soil or lighting


Active Member
I have a foot high plant, but since it was a sprout, which was about 25 days ago it had a 500wt regular work light on it and despite the hot lighting the plant has gotten tall but not so many leaves the last time i counted it was like 10 on the whole plant. so now i have a 23 wt cfl light hanging a foot above it is that too far or should i move it closer? Is it too late to save this plant?


Active Member
should i give it miracle grow or is it too soon you think?
I'd like give it some nutes you know.


Active Member
like i said its been under that light above since its been a sprout is that light capable of veggin? If it has then i've vegged it for almost a month.


Well-Known Member
its probably the light. not the soil. if your plant is a foot tall and only has 10 leaves thats no good. if you want to be cheap about it invest in a CFL setup. look under the GROWFAQ or under the CFL growing forum. its probably the cheapest way to grow. and thats going to be your best bet. not sure how your plant is going to turn out now that its already been under bad lighting though. but good luck!