soil or hydroponics???

the pharaoh of weed

Active Member
just did a bunch of research for my first grow and it seems like there are ups and downs to both. check out some of the grow journals and see what others have built, and read as many grow FAQs as you can. thats why i'm making two setups :mrgreen: also to alternate harvets if i can set that up


after building, and setting up hydro, and getting your feed schedules on key, hydro is less maintenance.

depends on what you consider 'easy'..

personally i consider a challenge of settigns things up, and less maintenance in the long run easier..

soil is easy to setup, not alot of guesswork, but more maintenance in the long run. not to mention dirty.


Active Member
i would suggest planting in rockwool and watering yourself the first time because you get the benifits of hydro but you can also get the general knowledge and be able to fine tune nutes and watering. kinda the best of both worlds. especially for your first time! what do you think?


good idea, personally i figured if im moving there anyway, i will jump right in, dont want to mix water every three days. besides, mixing 1-2gals of water is alot harder than 18 gallons, or however big the res is, as therei s less room for mistake! it's just an all around pain in the ass for me now.

but watering rockwool first is definitly a plauseable way to see if you like how it works/etc, however it wotn totally mimic how fast hydro can be, they wont be getting near the frequency of oxygenated water as they would be in a hydro system with a good air stone and pump. Then again i have yet to expierence this growth first hand.. so ill let you know i guess.


Well-Known Member
I prefere soil, it grows naturly in the grownd, so why not keep it in soil. Yeah hydro is good, but lots of shit can go wrong, water being sprayed everywhere, tubes leaking, but then the pumps do all the dirty work for ya feedin them and shit giving them the right amount what not.

I prefer to Care and nurture my plants, give em love, they will love ya back. WITH BIG COLAS.

cheers mates.


Active Member
i agree the dirty work is the fun part! who wants to "set it and forget it" anyways? it is a bonding experience to nurture something then have it pay you back! thats why i have yet to hook up a pump to my set up and water it by hand. it is much more fun that way.


New Member
For a beginner you can't fail with soil, unless you overwater or absoloutely slaughter them with nutes.

Hydro' is fairly easy too. You can hand water in hydro too, you don't need all the fancy equipment. i grew hydro in rockwool and perlite and hand-watered.

In soil, your first time, you'll probably max out an ounce per plant.

It's best to go through the levels, and soil is level one. At least this is how I look at it. Soil is level one, hydro level 2, dwc level 3, aero level 4. I've missed out nft, as it's not a method I like the look of. The levels I speak of seem to naturally follow one another, and this is the route I am taking. At the moment I've just started my first dwc crop.

