soil or hydro?


Active Member
hey gypsy saw some plans online to make an ebb/flo system from 3/4 '' plywood.. Have you ever done this or heard of this? plus side: could make any size you want. minus: expensive. unknown: sterility issues?? they say not to use a wooden cutting board for food cause of germs, would this not be any different? i supposed a person could spend a couple weeks putting on layer upon layer of polyurethane. would have to caulk all butt joints. ever heard of it or seen it happen? i just kinda like the idea of a custom fit, especially in my case cause i am gonna have to tap into some creativity to make this thing work in the garage. i mean its gonna be quite possible i just need to figure out how i can have max growspace and still have max storage space for all the other shit in the garage.


Well-Known Member
I have heard of people using plywood and lining it with plastic...

I recommend you buy a tray made for ebb flow... it will be the best long term option...

They come in so many different sizes from different companies... you should be able to custom fit a brand new pro tray...

But that's just my opinion... buy the right tool for the job, now, once... and never have a problem...

Don't forget the fill and overflow fittings... which I also recommend you buy... you know.. for that longevity of function...



Active Member
hey gypsy long time no talk, my computer had spyware on it and it lost its IP address, so i was without a computer all this time until i could save up the cash to get it fixed, since i am no computer repair man. and i found my digital camera, but low and behold there is something wrong with it too. but its only 10 years old, so... i guess maybe when the first crop arrives i can get a new one!! but anyway, i got a question for you. can clones be taken from a plant that has started to flower? i was just wondering if this would be too much stress on the clone, and the combination of it being cut in the flowering stage, might this stress it out and die?


New Member
yes you can take clones from a flowing plant but the quicker the better because if it has flowers on it already and your putting it back into veg it does cause stress issues. just take the bottom branches that that dont have much if any flowers on them. Clones from an already flowering plant will take longer to adapt but should still be fine as long as they are not stressed in other ways -- not enough light,to many nutes, etc.