Soil Options.


Active Member
I'm switching my soil, the shit I have now * Shit my dad kept * is just not working out. Can anyone give me some GOOD soil options available at my local Walmart or lowes. Thanks. +rep


Well-Known Member
Go to a hydro store...or google fox farms to find Ocean Forest soil, basically made for weed


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like FF sells in Canada. But go to a grow/hydro shop, they'll have good soil for weed


Well-Known Member
try Jungle Growth from Lowes. Might want to add perlite, and it does have nutes in it, so watch the feeding for the first month


Not sure about Lowes or Wally but I would try to get / FOX FARMS(ocean forest), HAPPY FROG, or anything as close to those ingredeints you can get // Our walmart doesnt carry any of these and I was fooled by MG organic wich I bought cheap and will never go that route again, what you read on here is correct, cheap shit does not WORK at all, eggs, bugs, and lack of correct micro nutrients is not what you want to use and expect to see the results you thought you would,,,,First Hand Experience trust me
You probably have a place where you buy soil by the yard. Buy some mushroom compost as a base. Then I would add some food to start it out with. I used some bone meal, powdered and crushed oyster shell. I also had some lava rock and pearl lite. Also add some regular soil from outside. It has been working well for me. The food that is in the mix should be good for a couple weeks.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You probably have a place where you buy soil by the yard. Buy some mushroom compost as a base. Then I would add some food to start it out with. I used some bone meal, powdered and crushed oyster shell. I also had some lava rock and pearl lite. Also add some regular soil from outside. It has been working well for me. The food that is in the mix should be good for a couple weeks.
Also, if you can find hardwood lump charcoal (Not Kingsford briquettes) add that as well. Wet it thoroughly, and crush it down to a pea sized consistency. I mix it at about 25% or so. This is Bio-Char, and it has too many benefits to name them all here. One of the MAIN things it will do for you in the short term is provide an excellent environment for the micro beasties. And that in turn will make nutrient minerals a lot more readily available to your plants, especially P and K. You won't need near as much P during flowering as without it.
For more info on bio-char:

