soil mix

So starting to grow again after like 5yrs. I have an idea on my mix here's what I got anyone got ideas to add things.
40lbs hapi-grow organic peat humus
Hapi-grow 40lbs top soil
40lbs cow and compost not sure if that will burn by girls or not help?
maricle grow bone meal 3lbs and blood meal 3lbs
I'm gonna mix all of it and let half cook for a week and bag and save the. Rest HMU with any ideas yall thanks


Well-Known Member
20% perlite and TBsp per gallon dolomite. I don't know how hot the cow shitz is.


Not exactly clear on what 'peat humus' is... is it sphagnum peat or decomposed or what?

Kelp, and greensand or something else with potassium would be good. Otherwise instead of the blood and bone meal I'd go with a more complete dry organic fertilizer like an Espoma Tone product.
copied from a garden site-Soil without humus is nothing else than finely ground rock. Humus is vital because it contains and maintains the vast population of microorganisms in the soil. These bacteria are the key to fertility, and have a beneficial effect both before and after death. When alive they produce heat and transform complex organic material into forms which will later be available to the roots. When dead they release these dead plant foods together with colloidal gums. It is these gums and plant remains which are humus; the magical material that cements the soil crumbs.
so with the bone and blood meal I think it would be good.but the Espoma Tone I've never heard of as for perlite I ment to put that on there must have And not sure where to get kelp do most locAl garden stores sell it?
Still not sure about the cow stuff any help with that would be appreciated yall


I know what humus is, not exactly clear on what what peat-humus is. I can only assume it is decomposed peat. Compost also contains humus\humic substances. Too much humus isn't good in containers because it can lead to poor drainage.
Yea that's pretty much it and ill cut the humus in half if not more and then add the perlite and and see about the Espoma if I can find it thanks yall