Soil mix


I'm pretty sure "Premium mix" has something to do with the actual mix/ratios in itself. I wouldn't go throwing it off unless you've had experience with good results.
Money's not something to waste nowadays with everything going up.
Speaking of, you can most likely invest list a little more & make your own mix.
Thank you! I have been growing in a coco perlite mix and I always have little bouts with deficiencies. So I was thinking about adding soil to help with it. If you know of a good mix ratio I am open to suggestions.
Thank you! I have been growing in a coco perlite mix and I always have little bouts with deficiencies. So I was thinking about adding soil to help with it. If you know of a good mix ratio I am open to suggestions.
You would be doing yourself a favor by choosing growing in coco, or soil. The mixed stuff always seems to have problems.
Trying to correct your coco problems by adding soil isnt going to fix anything
Okay so I should just keep with it and correct as issues arise. I've been growing in coco for about three years, this is my third grow season and I realize growing in soil is easier but growing in coco is more rewarding.
Okay so I should just keep with it and correct as issues arise. I've been growing in coco for about three years, this is my third grow season and I realize growing in soil is easier but growing in coco is more rewarding.
Are you treating your coco like hydro, or trying to treat it as soil?
Have tried one of the peat soilless mixes yet like Sunshine#4? I did a few grows with H&G Cocos in peat just to use it up and there were no issues.
Are you treating your coco like hydro, or trying to treat it as soil?
Like coco, I usually have problems when I first start in seedling stage. I think it is because I am still getting the right amount of nutrients to use since they are so small. Usually after I transplant and they are in veg I only get gnats.
Look into ProMix HP-CC or Sunshine Advanced #4 (black and yellow bale). I prefer Promix over sunshine because the bales break down way easier when you open them than sunshine mix, sunshine can sometimes be like a fucking brick.
... So do you just use it for seedlings? Do you mix it with Coco or just use it as is? ...
I will use Pro Mix for everything right out of the bag. Germination, clones, full sized plants ... the circle of life as it were.
So do you just use it for seedlings? Do you mix it with Coco or just use it as is?

You use as is. Just don't overwater it when transplanting into it especially, the stuff holds water pretty good, it's not like Coco so you don't need to 100% soak it at first. Wait until roots grow into the pot before you start watering to runoff IME. Coco or Coco/Perlite I will absolutely soak the whole root zone start to finish.

If you get the ProMix HP-CC It's (High Porosity - Coco) the HP version is just high porosity, no coco but still works good.. I buy the coco version because it doesn't cost anything extra and I just like using coco when I can, especially if its cheap & convenient.