Soil Mix + Fertilizer Question


Active Member
I'm starting my first grow this weekend. I've got seeds that have germinating since Tuesday and it looks like I'm going to get 5 potential plants. I'm not sure what kind of soil mix I should use though. I have a bag of Black Earth (I hear it's good?), but I don't know if I need to put sand or anything else in, and how much of each to use. I also don't know if I should be using any kind of fertilizer or nutrients while they're still little seeds.


Active Member
I should probably mention that it's an indoor closet grow, in a Rubbermaid container with CFL lighting. I assume I'm going to need a fan too?


Active Member
Am I the only one who finds the FAQ's not that great?

I've checked them a few times, and if I can't find the answer I'm looking for then I ask here.


Well-Known Member
yea you'll need a fan, and maybe try to get some perlite to add to the soil to keep it from geting too compacted. i don't know about the soil you're using but are there nutesi in it? either way you're not going to want to give the babies nutrients for a couple weeks, at least, and when you start begin with a low dosage, 1/4 strength the directions