Soil mix .. anything missing ?


Well-Known Member
kind a new to this ..

dunno if this is the right place to post ?
as Im not sure I will be 110% organic .. but I guess Ppl. in here know about soil mixtures so thats why I ask here ..

I´ll try to keep it simple ..

I use GH nutriens now and want to switch .. maybe 100% Organic at some point ..

I want to make a few soil mixes I can use in my cups .. in Veg. and in flowering ..

so I can add as littel nutriens as possible and hopefully only Guanokalong (maybe with a littel Plagron green sensasion at the end as I have some .. also have ther Enzyms ?)

what I was thinking was sumthing like this:

week 1 in small cups with some light mix soil (I can get Plagron or biobizz)

week 2-4 in 3 gallon pots with all mix (plagron/biobizz)

week 5-to end in 5 gallon pots (1 week in veg to settel in ther new pots) will also use all mix here ..

I will add some stuff to my soil .. but this is here I have some questions .. some stuff I have but I know I need some more ..

what I will need to buy and when exatly to add the stuff is wher Im a bit lost ..

I got:
Guanokalong bloom .. will need to get the Veg as well .. will try only to use them in my water (maybe with the yucca I have)

Epsom Salt ...

Maerl from Plagron (more or less same as Dolomit lime .. but with some trace elements)

Bat Guano (povder form)
Nitrogen(N)0 % - 2 %
Phosphor(P2O5)12 % - 20 %
Potassium(K2O)0 % - 2 %
Sulfer(S)0 % - 2 %
Calc/Magnesium(Ca)/(MgO)15 %

beside the soil I will also get some coco as I want to try with 20-30% in my soil .. the all mix have 10% wormcastings and 30% perlit in it ..

what els will I need ?

my local hydro store have a few things I have been looking at beside them I have now .. stuff like dry trace elements to add to the soil and worm mix also dry .. Basalt meal ..

please .. some of you who is used to mix your own soils .. can you spot anything wrong/I will miss ?

also .. when schould I add stuff like lime and Epsom salts in the soil ?
I wont add anything to my small cups/seedlings in light mix .. but 3 gallon pot in veg and 5 gallon in flowering I would like to add it to the soil .. think I heard Epsom salt for flowering ?

thanks in advance and sorry for any missspellings/bad gramma .. from Denmark ..

and please bare with me .. as I wont be 100% Organic .. if I can get the stuff ... I will .. and I will try ..

but Im not hysterical about it .. also got the green sensasion .. not 100% organic I belive .. some minerals aso in it ..

I just like to avoyd them products that only/mostly hold non organic stuff in them and I also like to have a "trouble" free growth with as littel as possible added to my watering .. if this is possible ?


no clue

Well-Known Member
Unless you have background in stuff like chemistry and soils it may be easier to follow what others have done, rather than reinventing the wheel yourself. Subcool, for instance tells us exactly how he does his thing and this works for lots of people. There are others too


Well-Known Member
bone meal is relatively cheap, same with bloodmeal.

id add vermiculite/perlite at 30% or so.

otherwise, go buy some earthworms and add those in. live earthworms.

add in some composted material to the bottom portion of the pots too, and youll save a bunch on nutrients


Well-Known Member
Unless you have background in stuff like chemistry and soils it may be easier to follow what others have done, rather than reinventing the wheel yourself. Subcool, for instance tells us exactly how he does his thing and this works for lots of people. There are others too

lol .. ok fair enough ..

I dont want to reinventing the wheel ... of be a chemistryst and make the stuff my self .. even tho I wish I had room to make my ow compost ..

only thing I would like to know .. is

if I take a good organic soil .. lets say Plagron (organic soil/peetmoss/perlit/wormcasing)

what do I then need to add to the soil .. I have done my research .. I know Ppl. have ther own recipes and ther is a lot of oppinions on this ..

I just want to know what a Organic soil like that are missing ..

and what to add to the soil I use for Veg Vs flowering .. if I add sumthing special to either of em ..

as I said I have some products .. lime .. Bat Guano aso.

dunno wher I get blood/bone meal .. was hopeing the Bat poo would provid me with enough NPK

so all in all I just want some experiance growers that usealy grow in/mix ther own soil to see what my soil might miss in nutriens .. micros .. trace elements and give me some good advice on what to add for the plants to do good .. with as littel stress/def. as possible and so I might be able to add as littel nutriens in my water as possible)


Well-Known Member
TLDR hate to be a dick but your shit is waaaay too long and drawn out. I started skimming and when you get lost skimming then you get nothing. Ask a question in the form of a sentence or small paragraph, not a novel :)


Well-Known Member
ok thanks .. when I do Ppl. ask for more info and pictures and ask how they are surpose to know when I dont post any info of my set up etc..

but yea I see your point .. I also skim sumthimes .. but if it chatch my attension I do read through most .. and I have seen longer post ..

Ooh well thanks any way .. thort we might use this thread to talk some soil additions and what a normal basic organic soil miss to grow from seed to haverst .. I guess not ..


Well-Known Member
ahhh thanks a lot dirrtyd :) now we`r talking ...

found this:

see this is the kind of help I need .. I know a normal bag of organic soil mix wont cut it .. and I do know that I need to add stuff .. but I just dont know what .. then its hard to research it ..


like this part :)

Kelp contains many wonderful things such as over 70 minerals and trace elements, growth hormones, vitamins, enzymes, and proteins.


Well-Known Member
there is a company here called "soil secrets" they specialize in soil amendments and agricultural applications for the chile farms here. you should have a similar company nearby or at least in your state. check with your municipal waste removal and find out if there is a compost plant. the trimmings raked from parks have to go somewhere, and you can find surprisingly low cost humic acid, humis, and other local soil bacteria and of course compost. you may have a company nearby that does it as well. we have soil secrets, you may have something similar down the road from you.


Well-Known Member
ok .. will look in to it .. thanks .. will haverst in about 30 days .. so a bit time to get it all .. will also just use light mix fist week or two ..

just like to be in time and have it ready .. and also read somewher its good to mix it and let it sit for a month or so .. guess to absorb the stuff ?

is ther sumthing I schould add more of in Veg and some in flowering ?