Soil Issue/Question


Well-Known Member
Ive figured out growing pretty well except the soil issues i always seem to have.

I took my newest plants out of the starter pots and replanted them in their final pot.

The soil was from a brand new bag ( some generic store brand stuff that works well for me ) and it was wet , like it was watered or whatever before being packaged.

The top few layers have now dried out but i KNOW the lower layers are still wet and probly will be for quite a few days still.

So, when should I water these guys ( girls )?

On my previous grows over watering was always an issue with me, i dont want to do it again.

The plants (3) are 1 week old and havent been watered since i transplanted..3 days ago.


Just keep the top lightly damp for first week or until girls look established and after that just water until you get a little run off in your tray and everything should be fine, i feel your pain with soil im just about to switch to coco far too many variables with soil :)


Well-Known Member
Soil is too easy. Mix up a batch of subs super soil and your all good. Water when its dry two inches down. Just till you see a Lil run off. Depending on strain and environment water between three and four days. In flower you'll water more frequently.