soil is dried, and need help?


Active Member
Ive just germinated the seeds and put them in soil, but after 4 days, the soil dried up and i know that your suppose to put water in for 2 days in a week, and my question is, am I suppose to water the soil when dry and that it might drown the seed or does it have to do something with the ph in the soil? by the way, I'm using Miricle Gro potting soil.


Well-Known Member
Ive just germinated the seeds and put them in soil, but after 4 days, the soil dried up and i know that your suppose to put water in for 2 days in a week, and my question is, am I suppose to water the soil when dry and that it might drown the seed or does it have to do something with the ph in the soil? by the way, I'm using Miricle Gro potting soil.
when i put mine in soil, i had a spray bottle that i just barely wet the surface with every time they looked dry... whether that be multiple times per day or once every 2 days... would just give a little, and keep a close eye on em. i used mg in the beginning, too, and i noticed it looked hard and crumbly on the top pretty fast after watering, but was often more moist to the touch than it revealed to my sight. not sure about your ph question...

good luck


Well-Known Member
Ehhh PH that as important in soil. Just dont have it under 2 and above 6.9.
Do what love it said, and dont water every two weeks, water when its dry, the top inch or so.