Soil Grow = MASSIVE FAIL !!


Active Member
Ok so ive had my plants in a all organic soil which i mixed 25% vermiculite, 15% perlite and 10% coir peat mulch.
They are in a 1.2x1.2x2m grow tent with a 600w MH around 2ft off the tops of the plants.

Im at around week 6-7 and they arent even 10inchs tall yet.
They have a solid stem with plenty of leaves growing off them and not much space between nodes.
But they are tiny in comparison to other plants. I really dont know why.

I have opted to ditch the soil grow and start again with a Coco.

I bought a 50L bag of Nutrifield Coco and a set of Nutrifield NF Coco A+B.

I will be transplanting 1 of my plants into a 30L hydro pot with the coco medium too see if they take off.

I hope this will help grow bigger better plants faster than what I have achieved so far.

Ive literally waited 2 months jus to see a 6-7inch tall plant, not the 3ft plant I was planning on for veg.

I also opted to remove all plants from the tent except for 1, I plan on growing the plant to around 3ft after LST/topping/fimming before I go into veg. As i will only have 1 plant I sort of wanna max it out to the size of the tent. So basically a 3ft plant once in flowering should double in size which is around 6ft or jus a bit over which will pretty much be the max height in my tent.

Does anyone have any recommendations of anything I should be doing, or if this is a good idea or not etc etc.

Below is a picture of my plants 2 maybe 3 weeks ago. They are really not much bigger than what is showing in the pics. Possibly an inch maybe 2.


Any informationg, advice,critism etc etc is more than welcome as long as it will help build my knowledge of our beloved plant.

peace to all.



Well-Known Member
why you decided on coco/verm. ill never know? Get some ffof add 25 % perlite and a oz of domolite lime per gallon. Dont ad nuts for 3/4 weeks and you will be off and running. having tight plants is good but not that small for length time. have air moving around in there?


Active Member
ok ill start with the lighting schedule, they are on a 18/6 time schedule for veg with a 600w MH.
Its sitting around 2ft maybe a little less from the top of the plants.
I run my lights during the night hours and keep them off during the day when its hot to reduce heat.

Im getting a temp of anywhere between 30-44c, makes it worse is we are in summer over here and we have had days go over 46-47c.
The soil temp doesnt usually change much and stays around 33-38c, which is pretty hot for soil im guessing.

I would love to get my hands on some ffof but we dont have it over here. The best stuff I could find is what im using and its rat shit.
Yeah I have 2 small desk fans right on the plants, I have a 6inch inline exhaust fan, and also multiple open ports to let in fresh air and the windows open etcetc.

Ive gave them some nutrients when i transplanted them into the bigger pots it was at half strength. I only did this seeing as the plants where growing slow I thought maybe the soil didnt have anything left to feed the plants. Didnt understand why thought because the plants where small, figured out it had slow release ferts in there. So all the time im thinking im feedin them straight water ph'd to 6.3 but really that was releasing the ferts in the soil.
So i transplanted them into bigger pots with all organic soil etc no ferts this time but didnt really take off. They are growing but very very slow. I topped a couple and fimed some. They are growing back but really slow so I was hoping if i stick them into the coco with my a+b plus some root hormones etc etc I can maybe boost them back into gear and get them firing up again.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell from the pic but there's only 2 things that cause the leaves to point up like that. One is heat stress but it should only be visible near the top of the plant, the other is a cal/mag deficiency. Yours sounds like the latter because all of the leaves are effected and growth is stunted. I wouldn't rule out heat stress though those temps are too high, do you have any exhaust fans pushing out the hot air?

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
raise the light make them streatch and check for good drian on pots if they hold water then the roots stay in one place never having to search for water !! Not cal mag the leaves don't show that how often you water ????:hump::hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
I have had similar problems and it was due to a combination of factors;

Check to make sure you are getting good drainage and that you are not overwatering, they should be dry between watering.
PH? Do you have a pen for pH checking because it's absolutely vital
44 celcius is ridiculously too hot for them, that's pushing over 110 farenheit on an indoor grow...
Flush with ph'd water once they dry out again and get your pH down to 6-6.5


Well-Known Member
ok ill start with the lighting schedule, they are on a 18/6 time schedule for veg with a 600w MH.
Its sitting around 2ft maybe a little less from the top of the plants.
I run my lights during the night hours and keep them off during the day when its hot to reduce heat.

Im getting a temp of anywhere between 30-44c, makes it worse is we are in summer over here and we have had days go over 46-47c.
The soil temp doesnt usually change much and stays around 33-38c, which is pretty hot for soil im guessing.

I would love to get my hands on some ffof but we dont have it over here. The best stuff I could find is what im using and its rat shit.
Yeah I have 2 small desk fans right on the plants, I have a 6inch inline exhaust fan, and also multiple open ports to let in fresh air and the windows open etcetc.

Ive gave them some nutrients when i transplanted them into the bigger pots it was at half strength. I only did this seeing as the plants where growing slow I thought maybe the soil didnt have anything left to feed the plants. Didnt understand why thought because the plants where small, figured out it had slow release ferts in there. So all the time im thinking im feedin them straight water ph'd to 6.3 but really that was releasing the ferts in the soil.
So i transplanted them into bigger pots with all organic soil etc no ferts this time but didnt really take off. They are growing but very very slow. I topped a couple and fimed some. They are growing back but really slow so I was hoping if i stick them into the coco with my a+b plus some root hormones etc etc I can maybe boost them back into gear and get them firing up again.

Wow your temps are MUCH too hot. I would be willing to say that is your number 1 issue. They wont grow in that kind of heat.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell from the pic but there's only 2 things that cause the leaves to point up like that. One is heat stress but it should only be visible near the top of the plant, the other is a cal/mag deficiency. Yours sounds like the latter because all of the leaves are effected and growth is stunted. I wouldn't rule out heat stress though those temps are too high, do you have any exhaust fans pushing out the hot air?

There's a third thing that causes the leaves to reach. Light! They reach up for the light. I would guess the waters Ph is off, its too hot and your light should be closer. Fix in that order and you'll be surprised at how fast she recovers.


Well-Known Member
plants, not just cannabis grow roots first then grow top growth. i think you should have grown out your crop before moving them inti a different medium. you dont need ff. you can make ur own mix if u know the basics of soil biology. u need moist, fertile, well drained soil. thats it. if u want a good soil recipe look at subcool's mix and substitute what u cant find. just reading why he uses what he does gives u a better understanding of soil biology. try it:)
I have been told that leaves pointing like that is a sign of a happy healthy plant. for a couple days after a good feeding my plants do that, then they relax. but I could see why if the plant was to hot it would open itself up for airflow.


Well-Known Member
"The best stuff I could find is what im using and its rat shit">>>

>>>Literally rat shit?...never heard of using this as a nute. In your first posting there is a photo of your old medium, was this soil from outside somewhere and then amended?. Or is the "organic soil" store bought?.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Yeah your temperature is too high. 30C is 85 degrees F! That is the point where growth slows.

44C is 111 degrees farenheit. Almost no growth at that temp.


Active Member
It's hard to tell from the pic but there's only 2 things that cause the leaves to point up like that. One is heat stress but it should only be visible near the top of the plant, the other is a cal/mag deficiency. Yours sounds like the latter because all of the leaves are effected and growth is stunted. I wouldn't rule out heat stress though those temps are too high, do you have any exhaust fans pushing out the hot air?
Yep, 6inch Inline exhaust fan with 6inch ducting running to just above the light to remove heat/stale air. Also got 2 desk fans circulating air around the plants and open vents to let in fresh air.


Active Member
raise the light make them streatch and check for good drian on pots if they hold water then the roots stay in one place never having to search for water !! Not cal mag the leaves don't show that how often you water ????:hump::hump::hump::hump:
Yeah it seems the medium drains well.. after run off starts coming out it continues for around 5-10mins. I water them when the medium feels dry, say every 2-3 days depending on heat, obviously more often in hotter weather.


Active Member
I have had similar problems and it was due to a combination of factors;

Check to make sure you are getting good drainage and that you are not overwatering, they should be dry between watering.
PH? Do you have a pen for pH checking because it's absolutely vital
44 celcius is ridiculously too hot for them, that's pushing over 110 farenheit on an indoor grow...
Flush with ph'd water once they dry out again and get your pH down to 6-6.5
Yes i have a PH Pen, I usually PH my water down to 6.2-6.3. Its just tap water though, I do try and use rain water when possible.
Well it seems our hottest days are coming to an end and the weather is starting to cool so temps in the tent have dropped 30-34c~.
I cant really do much about the heat guys, when the temp outside the tent is 40c plus its hard to lower temps i the tent, espeacially that i do not have an air con unit in that room.