soil grow help pleeease!!!

what could it be??

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My meter is not in my soil right now so its reading doesn't matter in pic but you are right needle was at 7.5 in my soil but the moisture setting the needle was all the way to the right to wet i think
They been in the soil 6 days now already and i let the soil get completely dry the 3rd day bone dry still was drooping and the shoots are getting yellow and new growth also

if you gave the plants a good water after re potting them ( 2ltrs in each plant) , its more like a week before they need water again, there no root mass so how they going to drink the water ?
its a question to get you thinking about your plants
before you transplant the plant, the root mass filled the pot and could drink the water quick and needed to be watered every 2-3 days now there is say 4x the soil and water available to the plant
so it will take a lot longer to drink the water
chronicals , i really dont understand much of that ph meters.. but if you do and you are saying that is 7.5 .. that is too much .. Can you check if your yellow leaves in the new grow have green veins ?
Yea you are right bro I'll def keep that in mind next transplant it's only my 3rd grow i'm use to having shitty humidity in my tent so i water everyday or every other day now my humidity is perfect 50% but i screwed up and kept watering them also my other grows temps where 80 -90 now i fixed that to 70-75
don't know if 7.5 is too high in soil as the soil ph goes up and down depending on how wet or dry the soil is and the heath of the roots mass but tbh I don't know much about this
don't know if 7.5 is too high in soil as the soil ph and go up and down depending on how wet or dry the soil is and the heath of the roots mass but tbh I don't know much about this
soil is much more forgiving than any hydro system when it comes to ph .. but optimal lvls should be between 6.3 and 6.8. At 7.5 ph , Iron and Manganese absorption it will be greatly decreased. Iron its very important in the newer growth and often plants in alkaline soil shows iron defiency . Also iron can't be translocated like some other nutrient and micro nutrients. so the plant can't take from on part to another. and also its a very low mobility nutrient.
Thats why i'm saying that MAYBE he can have some iron defiency . Its a common deficiency in alkaline soil.
No brown spots at all just leaves very light green on all the shoots and new growth


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the brown spots are a more advanced stage of iron defiency , its starts with the new leaves yellow and green veins and afer the new growth will exhibit that brown spots in the center of the leaves. Its called chlorotic molting.