Soil for Seedling?


Active Member
So i started up some bagseeds i have 4 sprouted i put them in the little jumpstart kit i bought that came with little jiffy pellets, one of them just sprouted today YAYYY =) so the question is when i transplant what soil should i transplant in??? i have happy frog does that have too much nutes for my little seedlings???

Cat bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Happy Frog from what I hear is pretty good. I believe a lot of people on here use it, but I have not. I've used Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Gardeners Gold, both of which worked great for me. Don't use Miracle Grow, especially for seedlings. And whatever you use, add a little more perlite to it. Your plants will love it. :blsmoke:


Active Member
your soil will probly be fine for seedlings. i heard jiffy pellets can be very bad for seedlings and kill them, but im not 100% positive its just what i read. i would personally just germinate them in your soil, and also if you can add perlite. im not sure how much nutes are in happy frog, but i would wait a least 2-3 weeks before feeding your plants.


Roots Organic with 6 dry measure cups of perlite to the 1.5 cu ft bag is what I start all my cuttings and seeds in. Not much work to it just dump half the bag in a 5 gallon bucket add 3 cups and just shake the hell out of it and boom perfect seedling soil. Transplant 30 days after they pop into their final home with super soil in the bottom 1/3 to 1/4 depending if she's a nute hog and come harvest time you'll have some healthy happy fat buds on her.


Active Member
how long should i leave them in the little pellets? till the roots are showing out the bottom? or before???

heres a pick of the little champ =) hope the other 3 pop out



Active Member
well i have them in the little jumpstart dome, 2 already popped all the way thru, i have it almost touching the dome, when should i take the dome off???



Active Member
i would take it off soon, seedlings dont really need a really moist climate. but the soil should be damp for the first few days