soil drying up fast


Active Member
how much should i be watering? i water it and then the next day its all dryed .. i took a look this morning i notest the leafs looked like there where droping so i felt the soil and id was dry..note that the lights are off..


Well-Known Member
depends on how big the plant it and how small the pot is. A large plant in a small pot will need watered every day, a small plant in a big pot could go a week.

be careful tho, it sounds like u might have over watered it, stick your finger in the soil a few inches and if its dry, i mean not moist at all (no dirt should stick to ur finger) then your ready to water again.


Well-Known Member
Don't start nutes too early.. I wait till 1 month..and especially if you have other don't want too many balls in the air till you're happy with the plants growth... unless the plant sags I water every 3-4 days..