Soil / compost tea....?


Active Member
Hi all I require a little help with the above.

Do I need to use a certain compost to startbwith like saynorganic and can I use tea's with soilless mediums.

Do you need to use different tea's for veg/flower

Am I right in saying tea's are all you require food wise or do you need to add anything else.

How often do you feed,now I know that's a hard question to answer but the last time I used compost I fed to runoff which just left everything wet through and In my eyes that's not a good thing somwhats a good feeding scheduale.

Can I add perlite to compost to aid drainage/over watering.

Cheers all

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Check out one of the AACT stickys, they'll tell you everything you need to know about compost teas and how to use them, as well as recipes for different teas.


Well-Known Member
IMO the best and easiest approach is organic soil (avoid soilless). Make yourself an organic super soil mix and feed with water only (BS Molasses here and there). You can make a microbial tea to cook the super soil with. Microbial recipe is simple it is intended to replicate microbes rather than to feed the plant.

1 liter clean water
25ml fresh earth worm castings
4ml BS Molasses
2ml Kelp meal
1ml Fish Hydrolysate

Good luck!


For me the tea is a microbe booster. I like to have all my nutes in my soil mix. Tea, tea, rain water. It's what works for me.

Beeb Beebman

Active Member
Agree with Scooby. I like the tea as a means to feed my soil. Its like gatorade but for the soil. I usually do a few gallons at a time, adding a couple cups of GH Ancient Forest and a little bit of Floralicious plus or Liquid Karma. I like those because they contain good amounts of kelp and or seaweed and good sugars to feed the bennies. I've had great success with that recipe. It's very simple and I like the results. I was thinking of just using some EWC or the AF and a few ml of Roots Excelurator. All the aact stickies should get you started on the right track. Once I started it was hard to stop! I've brewed teas w/ just about everything you can think of but found the above recipe to be very simple and produce good results.


Don't be afraid to try different things either. I don't always use molasas as a sugar source, honey works well. A little beer, garlic, tums, apple juice, all these have bennifical elements which help to build soil.


Active Member
Cheers ll really good info.

One more question I forgot to ask.......can you over feed with tea.? And am I right in saying you don't have to set he ph with tea.

Thanks again everyone.


Active Member
As long as it is a true tea and not a nute solution, no you can not over do it.
Psoriasis what would you class as a true tea. I'm a little confused with all this tea stuff but would really like to try it.

I also would like Advise on what soil to us and how long would you brew a tea for before it passes its sell by date sort of speak.



Well-Known Member
All that is in the sticky's bro! Noone trying to be a jerk but if you look down the line your the 20th guy to ask this week haha dont be ashamed everyone here has asked a simple question to be told to read the sticky's lol myself included