soil/coco grow several weeks in veg droopy light green leaves slight tip burn?


Well-Known Member
I know this will sound like a newbie question but i just need to be sure what i could be doing wrong and improve.

I am using a soil/coco mix with clay pebbles mixed the soil is ocean forest in a 5 and 7 gallon pots water with ph adjusted 5.5 tap water and i recently noticed the leave color going from sorta a dark green to mostly a light green and i notice droopy leaves aswell. Now the tips arent all burnt just a couple.

I have also recently for the last couple of weeks have been adding nutes to all my water at like half strength i use a cap full of grow big and a drop of floracious plus per 2-1/2 gallons i have 3 plants i usually mix 2 of these big jugs up except one has alil of cal/mag in it along with the other 2 nutes.

I usaully wait to water untill the plant pots feel fairly light easy to pickup by hand. Ill give the 3 the whole 2-1/2 gallons of water wait then the next time they dry somewhat out i hit em with the 2nd jug which has cal/mag.

when i first put them in the bigger pots after the first week i was just giving them phed tap water with nutes every other time and the other jug was just plain ph'ed water.

This is my second time trying the soil coco mix idk maybe i need to water less and like let the pots dry out all the way or maybe i just need to go back to mixing up only one batch of nutes and using just plain water in the other jug so that every other watering will get nutes only.??.

I hopefully wont screw up my end yield if i correct this


Well-Known Member
oh so I figured id update this topic since my plant is coming around it seems I stopped watering with nutes and it seems like the plant in question is now coming back to the dark green color it once was.

The strain is cheese I would guess that cheese doesn't like to be fed heavy compared to some other strains . Kinda stinks because the fan leaves aren't that big as they where before when I grew the last run however the cheese in hydro has fairly big fan leaves


Well-Known Member
They really dont like nutes. On my second run of cheese and ive had the same issue in the past. I find 3 watering 1 nute routine works well for these girls


Well-Known Member
Feed every time with coco. Don't water in between. Give them everything they need every time. Coco doesn't hold on to the nutrients. So any time you give them just tap water you're starving them by rinsing out the other nutrients. Or when you're not giving them the jug with calmag you're rinsing away the cal and mag that were in the coco. Do not let them dry out, you don't let coco dry out like you do soil. It holds plenty of oxygen even when wet. I know you have a soil coco mix but I pretty sure it still applies.


Well-Known Member
Feed every time with coco. Don't water in between. Give them everything they need every time. Coco doesn't hold on to the nutrients. So any time you give them just tap water you're starving them by rinsing out the other nutrients. Or when you're not giving them the jug with calmag you're rinsing away the cal and mag that were in the coco. Do not let them dry out, you don't let coco dry out like you do soil. It holds plenty of oxygen even when wet. I know you have a soil coco mix but I pretty sure it still applies.
Actually coco is notorious for holding salts and causing lockout. Watering inbetween feeds is almost mandatory.


Well-Known Member
Actually coco is notorious for holding salts and causing lockout. Watering inbetween feeds is almost mandatory.
If you say so. I'll keep doing what I've always done. And you can keep flushing everything out of your coco between feedings.


Well-Known Member
updated pics idk almost seems like they are starved i know fox farm will feed for a month or maybe 2 but idk i was putting just a cap full of grow big in my 2-1/2 gl poland spring water bottle i kinda just actually measured out the 3-4tsp and realize that maybe i wasnt mixing it right for the size water container prolly should be using 6-8 tsp with 2gallons

