soil choice good or bad


i just started my first grow i have 4 plants that are just getting their first leaves and i was wondering if me using soil from outside mixed 50/50 with organic indoor potting soil was a bad idea.The soil is very good i get my bait out of it btw lol.


Well-Known Member
So I am guessing you are using basically worm castings?

It's not a bad thing but you will probably need more components. I am a soil grower and use worm castings as a supplement but not as a full grow medium. Take that soil you have, mix it with compost, perlite, and some standard potting soil like Scott's Moisture Advantage and you should be OK.


ok thanks for info :) i also just went out and bought some nutes for them when should i add it and how much(i am using 12 width and 12 depth pots)


Well-Known Member
Wait till they are about 2 weeks, add 1/4 strength and then work your way up.

Seedlings do not require much light or nutes, wait till they get to the 3rd or 4th node until adding anything at all. Most soil/ compost mixture naturally have some NPK in it already and it would just harm your plants to add more.

My general rule of thumb is to wait until the plants turn a lighter shade of green, then add nutrients. The color of the leaves can tell you a lot about how the plant is taking in the food.