Soil change needed every 3-4 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Hi i just wanted to know if i needed to change out old soil to new soil ever 3-4 weeks or could i just use the same soil from veg to flower? heard people saying to change it heard some people saying its cool to not change it so im kinda lost.

I ive grew 4 plants already without transplanting, from seed in their final grow containers to harvest and had pretty ok results for a beginner under 2 150w hps with happy frog soil, now im starting again with 400w hps and roots 707 soil (soil was clean no gnats :D)


Active Member
No, defo not never. However If your pots were too small, it would be advisable to put in larger pot and ADD soil, but change, No.


Active Member
i got a question, would it be ok/advisable to transplant a plant when it already started flowering? reason im asking is cause im gonna start my new grow here soon, and im gonna start in small containers at first, then all the females i would transplant to bigger container, if its male ill throw it away, so im not trying to transplant all of them so i dont waste soil/guap.


Active Member
i got a question, would it be ok/advisable to transplant a plant when it already started flowering? reason im asking is cause im gonna start my new grow here soon, and im gonna start in small containers at first, then all the females i would transplant to bigger container, if its male ill throw it away, so im not trying to transplant all of them so i dont waste soil/guap.
should be fine i have done it before


bud bootlegger
some people will say no, don't transplant once flowering starts, but i've found so long as you're very careful and try not to disturb the roots too much or anything along those lines when you transplant her, it's better to go ahead and transplant them rather then run the risk of keeping them in the smaller containers and root bound issues..


Well-Known Member
i got a question, would it be ok/advisable to transplant a plant when it already started flowering? reason im asking is cause im gonna start my new grow here soon, and im gonna start in small containers at first, then all the females i would transplant to bigger container, if its male ill throw it away, so im not trying to transplant all of them so i dont waste soil/guap.
yeah its fine to transplant might shock it if you do it kinda rapid and tear a lil bit of the roots, i usually have the soil kinda moist flip the pot over while securing the plant and usually it all comes out in a big chunck then have another big pot with soil in it and put it in and top it off with soil. But thats why i now use clones or straight feminized seeds so i dont have to deal not knowing if its gunna be male or female.


Well-Known Member
No, defo not never. However If your pots were too small, it would be advisable to put in larger pot and ADD soil, but change, No.
haha thanks man just wanted to know cause my other grows turned out fine and was kinda stuck on that thought cuz i read that a couple times sumwhere on here.


Active Member
yeah its fine to transplant might shock it if you do it kinda rapid and tear a lil bit of the roots, i usually have the soil kinda moist flip the pot over while securing the plant and usually it all comes out in a big chunck then have another big pot with soil in it and put it in and top it off with soil. But thats why i now use clones or straight feminized seeds so i dont have to deal not knowing if its gunna be male or female.
mister632 - take this advice, its good..... I would just add that IF you do change pots in flowering period, do this as early as possible, as soon as you see her pistils showing. That way you'll get the full benefit of the bigger pot and soil in your bud.


Active Member
alright i appreciate that replies guys. another quick question, if it shows the sex and its female and i transplant it, if i disturb the roots much or it goes in shock what could happen to the plant? like die? not grow anymore or what? thx in advance. :D


Well-Known Member
itll just add a week or two to your over all flowering time........remember the bigger you pott the bigger your POT lol i dont know if yall get it but it makes sense to me


Active Member
another quick question, if it shows the sex and its female and i transplant it, if i disturb the roots much or it goes in shock what could happen to the plant? like die? not grow anymore or what? thx in advance. :D
IMHO and experience - to disturb the plant that it went into shock you would probably have to start whacking the root ball with a baseball bat. Otherwise, they really are v.resilient. before I re-pot I gently tease out some roots from the root ball so they get a good start in their new home. I guarantee if youre not too violent on it then you should have no problems.


Active Member
ok once again, thank you guys for the fast replies. i really appreciate it. i will be drying and curing my plant this weekend, and prolly have about 15-20 new seedlings in my cabinet in 16 oz cups. hopefully atleast 5 of them are female or all of them. if i could give you guys some tree cause of you helping me with your guys input on my question i would but i cant. so lol. anyways happy growing to ya'll


Well-Known Member
alright i appreciate that replies guys. another quick question, if it shows the sex and its female and i transplant it, if i disturb the roots much or it goes in shock what could happen to the plant? like die? not grow anymore or what? thx in advance. :D
depends how shocked it gets, what mostly happens is that it stops growing for a couple days to a week at the most but if you do the transplant right nothing might happen at all, you could always use superthrive a drop to a gallon or waterever the instructions were its been to long and water your plant with that right after the transplant usually this works for a stress free transplant but careful not to use alot or you will burn your plant cuz that stuff is hot.