soil and nutrients


Well-Known Member

I recommend that you mix your own soilless mix up like with the following ingredients: 1/2 Perlite 1/4 Peat Moss 1/4 Vermiculite (Each $5 a bag) Then, once you've germinated your seeds, plant them into 5 gallon pots (so they get as big as they can) and find a water soluble plant food to get ya on your way I don't recommend Miracle Grow, but I used it on my plant, and it's looking really nice so far. If you're going to use something chemical like that, dilute it a LOT. I'd suggest nothing at first, just distilled water, until you see something abnormal.


Well-Known Member
can you explain what plant food is please...i view soil with its basic NPK nutrtients + water as plant, in this case the soil + water is the food?....what else could you add to your soil during both stages?..calcium? sulfur..magnesium?? what does a normal "feeding" schedule consist of for most people..?? can someone(s) clear this up pls


Well-Known Member
if pre mixed soil has an npk of 20;20;20..what nutrients make up the other 40? or are there none?