Soil amendments


Active Member
Hello people , need some soil advice from seasoned outdoor growers , will try and cut to the chase , i want to try and achieve a decent outside grow , I'm not a complete novice but am unsure when it comes to using soil amendments. Maybe even over thinking shit but from past experiences , knowing about theses things before hand is a must if u want any chance of success. Thinking ahead after I find the right site to get plant . As I want to grow 10 photoperiod plants from April-may to sept-oct i need 10 holes 2ft x 2ft depth 2-3 ft , there's no way I'm going to be able to transport shop bought soil to the site , I understand that the soil is one of the most important factors of growing , I m aware of the different type of soil u get and the thing s u have to get it to a good state ??? It's how much you need to use of a certain product

Soil amendments are added to a planting medium in order to provide plants with various nutrients. Here is a comprehensive listing:

Guano - Dried excretory wastes. May be derived either from bats or

birds. Guano is available in high Nitrogen, high Phosphorous and balanced formulations. Guano will burn your plants, so use conservatively.

Worm Castings - Worm poo. An excellent source of micronutrients.

Also functions as a supplemental source of Nitrogen. Castings ought to be in every soilless mix. They will not burn your plants, and, when cut with perlite and vermiculite, make a fine medium in their own right.

Bone Meal - As the name implies, this is ground up bones from the

slaughter house. Bone meal provides phosphorous. Be careful - will attract animals to your grow if used outside. Will attract pets if used inside.

Blood Meal - Again, made from animal blood on the slaughter house

floor. A source of nitrogen. Also, attracts animals to your grow. Particularly odoriferous. Blood meal will burn your plants, so use conservatively.

Kelp Meal - Made from dried and ground seaweed. If made from

ascophyllum nodosum, provides a growth hormone which promotes rapid growth of both roots and foliage. Also contains trace elements and enzymes. The first time I added this to my plants, the results were nothing short of fantastic!

Perlite - A non-porous volcanic byproduct, perlite is pH neutral and improves the drainage of planting mediums.
Vermiculite - A porous volcanic byproduct, capable of nutrient and cation exchange. Helps with drainage and aeration as well.
Dolomite Lime - Frequently used in planting mediums to offset acidity,
Looks like you answered your own question already!

Jk lol, just look up one of the well-known recipes and just follow that up with some teas throughout the year.

Here's a couple, subcools super soil for a fool proof grow.... and then we got LC's mix or Coots, both are really good starters for a ROLS.