SOG question


Active Member
I've been reading many SOG growers flipping their light cycle to 12/12 after 0-14 days of rooting the clone.

Is this too early? Many of the clones aren't showing preflowers yet....

Second question:
Will flowering an immature clone with limited root system and no preflowers take longer than the typical 8-10 weeks?

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
once the root pertrudes an inch or so root growth takes off. in the first to the second week of 12/12 ur plant hormones are still vegging yet transitioning and also roots tend to grow more during the dark period so ur gonna get growth on both ends. also the flowering period doesent start when u change ur light period it changes when u see ur 1st pre flower, thats when u start to count days. i usually prefer to let my mom preflower in veg then flush in dwc for 24hr before i take cuts to remove nitrogen to induce faster rooting on clones. when they root they will be preflowered already and u can sometimes jump a week ahead then if u were doing it from a non preflowered mom. sorry for the rant, im high. wake and bake baby!


Active Member
Thanks for the information. That makes a lot more sense.

What influences preflowering?
The plants age, 12/12 light cycle, &/or bloom fertilizers?

I have a few mothers that have never preflowered and their months old. I know they're female.

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
how do you know their fem? also nothing influences preflowering but the plant genetics unless u put them to flower or they're auto-type. anyways, clone em' and sog them. top them once @ the end of week one and you should be good. they will deffinently double in size atleast. remove growth 1/4-1/3 from the bottom so growth goes where it matters, the tops, and air flows where it matters, the bottom.