SOG or Bud?


Active Member
Ok I am growing in a small cabinet. So far I have one plant that has developed to be pretty large about 1' tall. I have a few other seedlings, but this is the main plant I am focusing on.My question is should I chop this plant up for clones and begin a SOG or just bud now? This is risky as if my clones don't take, I will have no bud. I am also not completly sure on the sex of my plant. Once I induce flowering I will be able to tell, but then it is too late to clone


Well-Known Member
you are still able to clone in two or three wks into the flowering stage. an other way of doing it would be. to take a clone and get it rooted then flower should show sex within a few days to a week and if its female then take more clones immediatley.


Well-Known Member
you can actually put your plant into the flower cycle and when it shows sex,if its female put it back into the vegative stage for another few weeks then you can take clones from it!