SoG Method For Under $50.


Well-Known Member
I need a taller grow box now, one of my plants is hitting the top already. I'm thinking about something 5 and 1/2 foot tall flowering chamber and 3 feet deep and 3 feet wide. but for now i got to go back to work peace


Well-Known Member
i just killed all the little ones i had, so all i have now is four and i'm think about pulling some of them because i don't have a tall enough space:cry:.


Well-Known Member
i still might i kill one but i have a bigger flowering room now i made it today
panda film $1.20aft
46ft of 1by2 $16.00

going to get a:
250watt digi ballast
exehust vent
carbon filter

so my set up will be

the rubbermaid is for cutting/seedlings with cfls
the 150watt growbox will be for a mother plant
new growroom is 3'-3'-5'6"


Well-Known Member

little bud shot 2 weeks into flowering and i can start to see i little bud forming

this box will be for a mother

and this is my new set up just waiting on afew things, i want to do this safe as possible.


Well-Known Member

my new clone its WW A2 i'm smoking some buds of this stuff and its delicious!!!!!!! , it get me stoned stoned every time time i take a bong hit every hit just claims and claims, peace.


Well-Known Member
lights on 84 degrees , lights off 70 degrees. i keep my place at about 70 degrees all day.


Well-Known Member
yeah:cry:, but i'm going to wait until this little ladie grows up and can provid lots of little babies, I'm still going to be growing sog method because it produces the most outa a small space like mine, what got me to think about always growing sog is high times grow guide last year had this one artical about a guy with a 3'3'6' flowering chamber and a 1'3'6' veg room what he does is gets a mother or two then take 25 clones and then veg them for only one week and switch it to flower he keeps his temps in the low 70s with 1000watter in the small space, and he use to grow 10 ounces every three months now he pulls almost 2pounds every 60 days.


Well-Known Member
2 lbs every 60 Do you know how many he harvests each time. I know he takes 25 clones off of 1 or 2 moms but at one time or he allows the mom to recuperate then he takes more clones? I'd imagine 25 clones at one time would pretty much strip a plant bare.

I notice your clone is in rockwool under the lights. Do you put it in a clone propagator with the dome and keep it moist or is that clone already rooted?

yeah:cry:, but i'm going to wait until this little ladie grows up and can provid lots of little babies, I'm still going to be growing sog method because it produces the most outa a small space like mine, what got me to think about always growing sog is high times grow guide last year had this one artical about a guy with a 3'3'6' flowering chamber and a 1'3'6' veg room what he does is gets a mother or two then take 25 clones and then veg them for only one week and switch it to flower he keeps his temps in the low 70s with 1000watter in the small space, and he use to grow 10 ounces every three months now he pulls almost 2pounds every 60 days.


Well-Known Member
My friend put it in a blender so that it would retain the mosture I use to just put them in one cup and another on top so it would retain mosture, but yes i am going to buy a cloning dome and heat pad.

Heres the Artical

Big Yields in small spaces:
The environment in your growing area is the single most important factor in your garden. Whether youre a small time closet cultivator or running a large scale commercial op, the condition of the atmoshere surrounding your plants will either make or breakyou in the end. It doesn't matter how much money you spend on soils, fertilizers or fancy little gaadgets if the environment isn't dialed in, your harvest and quality will suffer greatly. He uses a 6 inch inline fan to exchange the air and four inch squirrelcage fan to cool his lights. with this setup, along with a5000 btu wallmounted air conditioner can keep the temp in the low to mid 70s when the lights are on and in the mid 60s when the lights are off.

Without the proper amount of lumens from the lights, marijuana plants cannot6 thrive. cannabis needs at least 30 watts er square foot to grow properly, with 50 to 80 per sauare foot being optimal. A 600watt light would be perfect for his space, but he usesa 1000 watt with propler ventilation and strong air conditioning allow him to run brighter than necessary, further increasing the yield. Because of his space limitations, he would grow only four plants in his pace. He'd veg them for four weeks and then swithch the lighting schedule to a 12/12 to induce flowering. this method would yield anywhere from one to three ounces per plant, depending on the strain. the quality was always great, but three month wait for his herb became unbearable. So then tried a new method, He start out with 25 well rooted and healthy clones of his favorite strain . Then place them in 6 inch dixie cups and veg them for only five days. this shory veg time still allows the roots to develop into the soil mix, after the short veg time its time to transplant them from their cups into 1 gallon grow bags in preparation for the flowering cycle. the plants will stay in thes containers for the rest of their lives. i don't top them at all' ihe trains them to be single cola plants. as the plants start to stretch in the early weeks of flowering i trim off the small, lower side branches to help promote vertical growth. by the time thy finish stretchin, theyll have grown at least 12 to 18 inches and will be knotting up with beautiful little buds. these buds will continue to sell and form into the heavey colas we all prize.

The difference between my old and vew mthods became quickly apparent: the significant increase in yield has greatly raised the efficiency of my smalll space. he should note thatgt, in some areas, having more plants can icreease the penalities.


so I'm guessing he hatch it down and lets the mother grow back


Well-Known Member

It is set up....... for a little bit i want to get a digital ballast, i have a 430watt hps in there


Well-Known Member
yeah it is now its more like $230 plus the $50, :mrgreen: oh well you live you learn you invest more. Sounds good to me.