SOG Jack Herer LED and HPS Grow :) :)

Hi boys :)

LED weed girls here! Our grow right now is not going so well :( we are still going to finish our current grow but also start our new grow.

We want to do a SOG Jack Herer Grow. we hear this is a good strain for sog and this is what our patients want us to grow for them.

We have 30 Jack Herer seeds germinating right now from green house seed company that we purchased from the original sensible seed company.

We have a 4 by 8 tent were we are going to veg.
We have a 4 by 4 tent were we are going to keep a mother. plus a smaller 4 by 4 tent were we will do our cloning
We have a Flower room with (2) 4 by 8 trays

The Floor room is on a drip to waste system.

We want to have constant grow cycle going all the time.

We are using CalMag, a Worm Juice nutrient, and Flora Nova from General Hydroponics

If anyone has any tips or links on the best way to do SOG that would be great!!! :) :)



Last night we started to put the germinated seeds into party cups and put the party cups in the 4 by 8 veg tent.

It has been 2 days now and a lot of seeds have not sprouted. It is very cold in our house because we have had all the windows open for air flow. It is now getting very cold outside. We wonder if this is the reason the seeds are not germinating. We will check again tonight, and hopefully they all have germinated.



Well-Known Member
sounds like a nice setup, love me some jack herrer. Good luck with the sog, how big do you plan on letting them get? What kind of lighting are you working with, watts? Any heat mats you can use to help with the germination? Good luck, I'm subbed for the ride.
sounds like a nice setup, love me some jack herrer. Good luck with the sog, how big do you plan on letting them get? What kind of lighting are you working with, watts? Any heat mats you can use to help with the germination? Good luck, I'm subbed for the ride.
Thanks puffenuff :)

We have never done a sog before. We are planing on vegging them for 1 month. We will transplant from party cups to 1 gallon containers and then from 1 gallon containers to 3 gallon containers.

Out of the 30 Jack Herer seeds we will select one as a mother, if they all germinate that is :(

What is the best way to pick your mother ? Does the mother have to be from seed ? or do you take cuttings of all the plants ?

We have a bunch of LEDs and a 1000 watt HPS in the flower room. I will try and find out the specific specs for you.


Well-Known Member
Basically picking a plant to be a mother is like picking out a puppy from a litter, there is no right or wrong answer. You just kind of look for a happy and healthy one. If there are certain characteristics you are looking for to carry on through generations, like say phenotypes, then consider those when choosing, ie leaf size, height, etc. might be a good idea to start with a couple mothers until you know what you want out of them. You can make a mother from a clone but I feel like seeds are better suited. Hope that helps some.
Basically picking a plant to be a mother is like picking out a puppy from a litter, there is no right or wrong answer. You just kind of look for a happy and healthy one. If there are certain characteristics you are looking for to carry on through generations, like say phenotypes, then consider those when choosing, ie leaf size, height, etc. might be a good idea to start with a couple mothers until you know what you want out of them. You can make a mother from a clone but I feel like seeds are better suited. Hope that helps some.
This helps a lot! I guess we are looking for a pheno with not a lot of side branching, one that is best of sog. There will be 24 x 3gallon pots on the each 4 by 8 tray/table. We have 2 x 4by8 tray tables in the flower room.

Thanks puffenuff :)



Well-Known Member
Hey LED Girls, glad to see you got a journal up and running, what happened to your previous run? been looking everyday for the last month to see an update on your youtube channel!!

If you do need the 30 seeds to fill your space you may want to get a few more seeds going as a backup because they take forever!! It would give you the opportunity to toss the runts right away instead of wasting time on them.

Like Puffenuff said, I think it is much better to have your mother from seed than from clone, By the time the clone has rooted it can sometimes carry disease (powdery mildew...) that you might not see right away and it will be in the genes of every single clone you take from that plant so yeah I think from seed is way better.

Good luck!
Hey Endur0xX !

We finally did a video last night. The grow is a big mess !! We never PHd our water before watering.... :( What should the PH of the water and food be when you water your plants in promix ? 6.5 PH ? We had some problems uploading the video to our computer and we still need to edit it. Hopefully we will get a Youtube video up by the weekend.

7 out of the 30 Jack Herer seeds have not germinated yet :( I think because it was so cold in the house.... It has been 5 days now so if the 7 haven't popped routes they are probably no good. :(

They hydroponic shop were we get most of our equipment told us it was ok to take from clone, but we have read it is better to take a mother from seeds. We will take lots of pictures and video and hopefully you guys can tell us which plant to keep as a mother ! That would be great!! :) :)

- ledweedgirls

Hey LED Girls, glad to see you got a journal up and running, what happened to your previous run? been looking everyday for the last month to see an update on your youtube channel!!

If you do need the 30 seeds to fill your space you may want to get a few more seeds going as a backup because they take forever!! It would give you the opportunity to toss the runts right away instead of wasting time on them.

Like Puffenuff said, I think it is much better to have your mother from seed than from clone, By the time the clone has rooted it can sometimes carry disease (powdery mildew...) that you might not see right away and it will be in the genes of every single clone you take from that plant so yeah I think from seed is way better.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
my lights would be twice the distance from the cups at this stage! looking good though looks like they are all coming out together!!


Well-Known Member
that is normal for seedlings, let them go for a bit then when you transplant, you transplant them deeper with soil up to their neck ( not quite ) and at that point you gotta make sure you keep some portable fan blowing on them and you must keep them dancing all the time that is how you will built strong stems

as you can see on the pics I have 3 portable fans blowing on them and some of them are still babies...(the babiest in the upper right and lower right side of the pics) one fan on each side of the door and one in the middle on the opposite side of the room blowing 24-7. I know that you will not transplant in such big containers since you are using bottled nutrients and you are vegging your plants but you see the idea, when I transplanted I brought the dirt about 1 cm from the baby leaves (the first set of leaves that ever comes out) and that is when I make sure that they are always moving from the airflow . sorry I repeat myself here just editing and smoking



Well-Known Member
Hey Endur0xX !

We finally did a video last night. The grow is a big mess !! We never PHd our water before watering.... :( What should the PH of the water and food be when you water your plants in promix ? 6.5 PH ? We had some problems uploading the video to our computer and we still need to edit it. Hopefully we will get a Youtube video up by the weekend.

7 out of the 30 Jack Herer seeds have not germinated yet :( I think because it was so cold in the house.... It has been 5 days now so if the 7 haven't popped routes they are probably no good. :(

They hydroponic shop were we get most of our equipment told us it was ok to take from clone, but we have read it is better to take a mother from seeds. We will take lots of pictures and video and hopefully you guys can tell us which plant to keep as a mother ! That would be great!! :) :)

- ledweedgirls
sorry I missed that post!! I do not PH anything, I fill my 5 gallons water jug with tap water and let sit 24 hours before using it. I have 3-4 jugs that I use (3 5gallons water jug(the blue one from the grocery store...) and 1 5gallons bucket from home depot that I mostly use to make compost teas) but I have not been PH ing anything since I started to grow in my own supersoil last year. I can go away and it is very easy for my partner to take care of my gardens, all she has to do is water them... every once in a while when I am home, I give them unsulphured blackstrap molasse with the water ... but that is when I am gone though now I am home for the winter and it is compost tea time!!! No ph pen no ppm meter GREAT MEDS
that is normal for seedlings, let them go for a bit then when you transplant, you transplant them deeper with soil up to their neck ( not quite ) and at that point you gotta make sure you keep some portable fan blowing on them and you must keep them dancing all the time that is how you will built strong stems

as you can see on the pics I have 3 portable fans blowing on them and some of them are still babies...(the babiest in the upper right and lower right side of the pics) one fan on each side of the door and one in the middle on the opposite side of the room blowing 24-7. I know that you will not transplant in such big containers since you are using bottled nutrients and you are vegging your plants but you see the idea, when I transplanted I brought the dirt about 1 cm from the baby leaves (the first set of leaves that ever comes out) and that is when I make sure that they are always moving from the airflow . sorry I repeat myself here just editing and smoking

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Ok Great thank you SiR ! :) We will put up some fans :) and when we transplant we will make sure to transplant deeper with soil up to their neck.

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
yes keep an eye on your distances there girls they look well close what led is that you are using is it a veg specific ? looks like it on that spectrum
If it was me I would just be running that light alone on half power for a week or so yet you are better off taking it easy with seedlings
if it was any of the other fero range I have trialed anyway....what watt diode is that veg light ?
Going to choice a mother is a very important thing if you intend to use this for your future grows on a scale like which you are suggesting
Firstly let your 30 odd seedling grow out for a month then pick your best 5-6 and take 2-3 cuttings from each one (they are femmed yeah)
That way flowering off 2 or 3 cutting you are sure you have a range of plants from one mother so you can be sure by mixing up throughout your room you are choosing a geno you want not a pheno which is effected by an environment

In a ideal world you would then flower off these cutting to decide which mother you are going to choice keeping the original plant from seed in vegative growth
if you decide which mum you use solely from vegetate characteristic you may be choosing one which however great vegativatly
1. may be a poor yielder
2. have no idea of what the bud is going to taste/smell and what psychoactive effect it will have

however using this technique it lengthens the process of the grow (which a few extra weeks when you are choosing the geno you will be growing for the next couple of years is time well invested in my eyes)
however at this point I have to say you will have no problem choosing your mum from the cuttings either going back many a year I was using a strain #5xhaze which I ended up getting from cutting and took cutting from for over 3 years with no apparent degradation in the strain
From what I have read you are safe for 5 generation when using a clone from clone so for speed sake I don't see any reason you cant take your mother from the clone
One thing I will point out if you are going to go through the effort of keeping a mother make sure you label the cuttings properly (the mums too) I use tipex on the pots now in 4 places due to a time when I spent months going through the process and forgetting to remark when I potted on :wall:
You are very lucky you have over 30 plant to choose your mother from

Looking great keep up the good work
Happy Tokin'
yes keep an eye on your distances there girls they look well close what led is that you are using is it a veg specific ? looks like it on that spectrum
If it was me I would just be running that light alone on half power for a week or so yet you are better off taking it easy with seedlings
if it was any of the other fero range I have trialed anyway....what watt diode is that veg light ?
Going to choice a mother is a very important thing if you intend to use this for your future grows on a scale like which you are suggesting
Firstly let your 30 odd seedling grow out for a month then pick your best 5-6 and take 2-3 cuttings from each one (they are femmed yeah)
That way flowering off 2 or 3 cutting you are sure you have a range of plants from one mother so you can be sure by mixing up throughout your room you are choosing a geno you want not a pheno which is effected by an environment

In a ideal world you would then flower off these cutting to decide which mother you are going to choice keeping the original plant from seed in vegative growth
if you decide which mum you use solely from vegetate characteristic you may be choosing one which however great vegativatly
1. may be a poor yielder
2. have no idea of what the bud is going to taste/smell and what psychoactive effect it will have

however using this technique it lengthens the process of the grow (which a few extra weeks when you are choosing the geno you will be growing for the next couple of years is time well invested in my eyes)
however at this point I have to say you will have no problem choosing your mum from the cuttings either going back many a year I was using a strain #5xhaze which I ended up getting from cutting and took cutting from for over 3 years with no apparent degradation in the strain
From what I have read you are safe for 5 generation when using a clone from clone so for speed sake I don't see any reason you cant take your mother from the clone
One thing I will point out if you are going to go through the effort of keeping a mother make sure you label the cuttings properly (the mums too) I use tipex on the pots now in 4 places due to a time when I spent months going through the process and forgetting to remark when I potted on :wall:
You are very lucky you have over 30 plant to choose your mother from

Looking great keep up the good work
Happy Tokin'
Thanks Campo :grin:

Here are the Specs on the Fero Veg LED Grow Lights

Each light consumes about 200w

Spectrum specs are, 12% royal blue, 24% natural white, 64% orange/red, red and deep red.

There are 2 switches. 1 switch for outer leds and 1 switch for inner leds. Right now we just have the the outer leds turned on.

We are not too sure what the other old school led has in it. We bought it for very cheap tho

we are using the other Fero Veg LED Grow Lights in the Flower room right now.

pH: 5.6 - 5.8 for Hydroponics and Aeroponics
pH: 6.0 - 6.3 for Soiless Mix
pH: 6.5 - 7.0 for Soil

Many soiless mixes tend to be fairly acidic due to their high percent bark content.