Welcome to the4 monkey house!Hello everyone! I am new to the site and just got my 4'x8' tray running sog style!
I am having problems getting nice full cola's... I am running 2 400w HPS spaced evenly accross the tray and running ionic nutr's! Is my lighting enough? should I go to 600 watt'rs?
Have you looked into using digital ballasts. I am told they are less expensive to run. I am running 2 of them and they are much cooler.If anyone has some advise on this I was looking at 2-1000w but the elect cost would break the bank for me.
Welcome to the4 monkey house!
I would go with the 600's. I am using them and they are great for me because I have to watch the heat.
Have you looked into using digital ballasts. I am told they are less expensive to run. I am running 2 of them and they are much cooler.
Orzz thank you for ur response! I was thinking about doing the dual 600 lumatek ballast! Are you happy with the output of your 600's?
should I change over to A diffrent nutrent? What do you recommend?
I am running ionic! I was told that it is A great nutrient just that my lighting needs to be upgraded!
Has anyone ever went from 2-400's to 2-600's and seen a diffrence? I am looking at the lumatex ballast but just dont want to spend the money if it is not gonna help with the flower size!!!
Newbi I would recomend that you don't skip out on your system at all. I am running nextgen ballast and am in love with these thing's, I can hold them after 10 hrs running and your vent system will make or break your grow!
And funny seeing you around here onthedl! how are thing's going your way? I thought you might like to see the system stable!!!!