Sog future grow plans, check em out and please critique!


Active Member
Hello all, I am in the process of deciding what I am going to do with my empty back room. As of now I have little experience growing, but have a few experimental plants from bag seed, growing under a 400w MH on soil for now. I plan on buying good genetics when i have my room put together and grow under my belt. It sounds like a lot of newbies rush in, spend all kinds of money on seeds before they know if their room is conducive to growing. Just an observation, lol! I have been doing tons of research and am starting to peice some of this together. But I need some suggestions from you guys about setting up if thats cool? First let me give some dimensions and what my plans are for the future. I have an empty bathroom with a shower still in it. Sink and toilet have been removed. Minus the shower and small 2'x 3' entry way the room is 4' x 5'. The shower area is 2.5' x 4' and i would like to seal it up, and use as a veg area. The main 4x5 area will be flower. I plan on using 400w mh for veg and 1000w hps for flower with a fan pulling air from outside through the tubes up into my attic. And a seperate carbon scrubber blowing into the attic as well. Passive intake will come up through the basement and there is a cenral air vent on the floor. The veg room willl have additional fan ventilation. The mother plants will either be on soil or hempy buckets, should be a good fit with a drain already in the floor of the veg area. I will keep cuttings and vegging clones in a seperate room closet under fluorescent light. In the flower area I plan on using a DIY ebb and flow system, made from pvc, found it here if you wanna check it out Dave's Hydroponics Experiments - Free system design. I plan on a SOG system, harvesting and taking cuttings every four weeks. So about a harvest a month. I will use two reservoirs for the flower room, being that the plants in the first four weeks of flowering get different amount of nutes than the plants in the final 4 or 5 weeks. How many clones can I have going SOG in this 4x5 space? I have read one per square foot but hear a lot of them getting away with more in less space with SOG. I'm not looking for the bumper crop but would like to maximize my space. I have some additional questions to tak on later. Let me know what you think so far. Hopefully a few pics coming as well. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
your cloning will take a little "finess" in timing.... i do a very similar set up and had to add anothe veg station to keep up.. theres a 2 week "down time" in cloning... cloning to veg (2 week), veg to bloom (4 weeks).


Active Member
So if I want to harvest clones every four weeks, I would cut a new set of clones like 2.5 weeks after the first batch goes into flower. Root 10 days? then veg a week or so? This is confusing, but I am determined to figure it out. What kind of system are you working with if you don't mind me asking, reefcouple? Do have any idea how many flowering clones I can pack into a 4x5 space? Or how many mother plants i will need going? A lot of questions I know? Just trying to do this right! Thanks for the prompt response and you brought up some good points Reefcouple!