SOG dedicated to EPIX


I am going to dedicate this to Epixbud for all the help he has given me and also he is the 1st friend that i met here at RIU. I am combining some of his methods that i have tweaked a bit and plan on incorporating it into the SOG method. I will hopefully stay on top of this and will be very informative. So here is to you Epix! thanks for everything!

After i saw Epixbuds cloner i knew it would be simple to do so i scouted out a decent sized rez and pretty much the only difference is that he is very uniform and neat with his rows, and i just drilled in as many as i could fit. i do think my rez is bigger than the one he chose, but i got 96 holes in mine.

also i added an ionizer to create a fog inside in addition to the sprayer system. The reason i did this is because the rez was obviously bigger than Epix's and i could not figure out why his held together so much better than mine. later i discovered that my set-up was so much larger that when the sprayer system filled with water it would sag over and part of one side would submerge from the weight of the water taking some of the misters blow water level. I eventually chopped it down to avoid this but left the ionizer in the tub with a makeshift piece of foam around it to keep it at the right water level. Too low=shuts down, fog,...too high= ionizer suffocates (no fog).
with fog

and without so you can see what is going on in there.

also i found a cool thread in here about killing smells so i made a nice air freshener shown here.

as you can see i drilled some holes in it and mounted a fan on the lid. after this
I took hot water bout 1.5 gallon and mixed in about 2/3 cup of Ona gel, mixed it up good(warm water helps the mixing) and added that to the bucket that i had dumped 1 cup of soil moist granuals into earlier. let it do its magic and walla! smells good as ever all the time and last about a month. then just redo the water part cuz the granuals are still good! it is cool to get ripped and watch them absorb all the water too. LOL

4X8 grow tent
fan on outside into home made muffler (found on here too i think) and blows on my ballast. i have it suspended from chains and then use rubber straps to make raising/lowering easier and it takes alot of hum/vibration out of the unit. before it could be heard all over it seems but the straps really deaden the noise travel through the house. looking into switching to digital but so many war stories and bad luck. this trusty girl has been so good to me!

another angle

the inside is 4 vinyl fence posts with 3.75 net pots filled with lava rock. (yes i made it all myself and those are tomato plants) 13 sites per, 12 in use and 1 has the bulk head in it. bad -ass filter from foothill filters, 1000w hps/mh ballast and running growth right now but all that shit is about to change with epix's new method i learned.

my kick ass meter. u need one of these. i dont care what anyone tells you. this thing rocks. anywhere from 180 to 250 bucks in the states. i tracked down the manufacturer in Fucking Hong Kong and they said they would sell me just one or a barge full. no shit! i got one with an extra probe delivered to my door for 91.00 usd....... YES I SAID "NINETY-ONE US DOLLARS." Probes in the states are $50.00! Best deal in the world, me! oh yeah this is 6 in 1 too not 3 in 1 and you decide on EC, CC or PPM. it does it all! (quick shout out to american scam artist distributors--kiss my ass--but only on this one item. i still need you for the rest of this stuff,....for now.

first i am starting with 4 of these:
big bad boy here for 17.99 at home depot. (54 gallon if you cant see the pic that well)
then i made 60 holes for 2in. net pots. no need for those big ones when using the Epix method. eliminates the need for growrock as well. no medium needed at all for that matter. smaller the better just means more plants. i personally could not find 1in. net pots or i would have got them. i did find some 1 3/4 but they were super weak. the 2in. one i found are thick plastic and super tough so i bought a bunch and I am excited to put them to use.
the lid.
inside the lid showing the "T"
close up w/ net pot and neoprene insert.
and when finished.

now for the nutrient distribution wanted to be able to lift the lids and transfer them from tub to tub so the lid is all i have to move.
first i put the rubber seal in and then used a "T" to poke through from the inside. my line in will connect to this.
inside the lid showing the "T"
not the best pic but the line goes off the "T" and wraps around the 1st and 2nd row on each side.
i got stupid and cut the end for some reason but i have a straight connector so i wasted one of those. really just need about 8ft of hose and a "T". i dont know what the hell i was thinking.
these lids and tub represent what it will look like inside my tent once i harvest that other stuff and get this baby rolling. and it all fits perfect with about 6 inches to spare all the way around. the problem now is locating the perfect res. i am thinking of just using some tubs that at the right time can bbe found for free behind you local gas station. black bins that are about 10-12 gallon. i will prolly set two side by side and runa rubber seal through connecting them together and walla! i will have a 20 gal res that supports my tubs. prob is they are 16 inches tall and i really dont want to be that high off the ground. I would like to be only as high as i need but if 8 inches=100.00-200.00 in reservoirs then screw it. prolly wont matter anyway. Just looking at 3 ft in the air before the plants and only have 7'6" feet to work with. the light takes up about a foot or so too so it may get tight.

***stay with me, more to come in a future***


Active Member
I seen those tubs recently! And immediately thought, WOW! I could make a massive sog outta that. Just dont wanna have to have a res that large O.O

Looks great though! Some nice DIY work ^.^


I seen those tubs recently! And immediately thought, WOW! I could make a massive sog outta that. Just dont wanna have to have a res that large O.O

Looks great though! Some nice DIY work ^.^
dude with his method you really wont need that much liquid. enough to get wet and keep the pump submerged is all. prolly the same for what i am using now 17 gal. prolly cut back to 15 and it will roll smooth. i will keep you posted. and how in the hell did you comment so fast? i posted, proofread and there was a reply. AWESOME! thanks for the atta boy too!


Well-Known Member
Fukn nice tread man, looking good! :hump:
I be watchin this for sure!

Reaserch thro here and trial and error, then post it....
Thats how i learned and the more of us that do it,
The better we all become,
Then we all can make it better!
And all can have a happy harvest! :weed:

.......................... :joint:


thanks Epix. i think i will prolly end uo buying another one of those bins and making a cloner out of it. i bet i can fit 200+ sites on it. that will be cool as shit as i have 3 buddies that like to get in the canoes in spring and do some guerrilla growing on the banks up and down. i currently have 3 strains from sani-shop. sativa queen, anesthesis f1 and jack berry f1. the jack is some bad shit. when i 1st smoked it i got all paranoid and almost started to dismantle my room.LOL i am not even f'n joking either, i was freakin trippin man. the anesthesia is killer too with a more upbeat high without too much couchlock. the sativa queen now. she is good but just wants to romance. you sit down with her and its hard to get up to piss. i took some jack to a monday night football party and everyone was talking and kicking it and then that shit went around in a blunt and the room was so quite you could hear a mouse fart. they were all where i was. "DAMN IM FUCKING STONED!" couple new lid pics added goona do some mods to the lid and get some foggers. will post the mods when i get them done. also i have just been editing my journal when i add stuff so you might want to stop in and take a peek. the girls went to transition today so 4 weeks away from getting this thing up and running. will keep pics up and post on progress. gonna set up a dry run too so that should help me get her tweaked before we set it in motion. thanks for stopping in!!


Hey where'd you get your sprayers? I love those - got mine off ebay but can't find more.
ebay is where its at my brother. actually give me a bit and i will find you a link

and they have an ebay store:

i hope it is cool to put these up on the site.????? dont know how they feel about directing people to buy stuff. some sites dont go for it at all. if i get in trouble then i will just pm individual people that ask.

if you dont buy right away then save the seller as favorite and leave a message in your box under that saved seller as to why you have them saved. they have them all the time


Well-Known Member
well looks like you two have changed my mind im gonna try the same systems ideas you guys got for a 50 site aeroponic system... building my first cloner now... i like your fog idea. and thanks for the ebay store post that comes in handy cuz im all ways looking for good stuff for cheap. our hydro store is a rip off so expensive... lol any ways thnx to u both epixbud and lowe21...


no worries man and it will work out well for you. once this catches on and people see the ease of use and the ability i think it will become more popular. you can cut cut a lot of corners and save on some expenses. smaller rez's means less nutes so they will last longer before needing to re-up, no growing medium needed (rockwool, grow rocks, etc.) all you really need is the rez, net pots and foamies, pumps for air/water, lines and spinners. i suggest the fogger from seller "bestonlinestore" in ebay.

and the 6 in one meter direct link to meter here:
you can get by without the meter but i think it is worth its weight in gold. the spinners are in the link i the above post of course and you can pick your own res and pumps/air stones. FYI i use the Eco Plus 396 to run my cloner and planning on using Eco Plus 1056 to run sog bins but may go bigger. not exactly sure yet as i need to do some testing on my lid and then do some math, but im sure it will work,....just not 100% yet LOL cant buy it till im 100%


Well-Known Member
thanks 4 the info ive got my cloner built and am worrkin on building 4 flower systems... going 50 plants each.. any ways keep us posted on ur grow id like to have some thin to compare to...


thanks 4 the info ive got my cloner built and am worrkin on building 4 flower systems... going 50 plants each.. any ways keep us posted on ur grow id like to have some thin to compare to...
will do. waiting on new camera that we ordered for xmas. a little late but coming nonetheless. then i will put up more pics. my other camera is a dinosaur and goes thru batteries like you would not believe. then the mem card dont even have a slot on my pc. old school pain in the A$$~


well it seems that my 4 misters have arrived.

i took some old cups i had from a gas station and cut them down to the perfect height for the mister to work most efficiently. I then hanged them from the inside in a "sweet spot" so as not to affect the net pots, and keep roots from falling inside.
mister hanging outside of cup
mister inside of cup. if things work out to my expectation the sprayer will keep this cup filled at all times and when sprayer goes off the mister will not have a chance to run dry before the sprayers come back online again.( i am actally thinking of trying a straight mister grow at another time and having a float valve to keep solution at proper depth,...since the nutes atomize as well it would be perfect and could use 100% of nutes without loss or chageout,....kick that can around a bit!!!)
where the mister cord enters the chamber. the grommet comes with the mister but is backwords so i cut it CAREFULLY with a razor to get it off the wire and turn it around placing it back in the hole. the cord itself has a connector between the power source and the mister and the plug fits through the hole making it a perfect fit with the cord being fully adjustable.
in case anyone was wondering and i forgot to mention. i am a full General Hydroponics guy. i do use a different brand for clones and i love hygrozyme. i use the hygrozyme for my rez and flora kleen to clean out "flush" my system. other than that i prefer the expert recirculating cycle and FULLY BACK GENERAL HYDROPONICS! plus i get discounts from them for plugging them in this post! AWESOME!!

well that is all i can do for now as my pump and other goodies are yet to arrive. happy grows and new year!!


just kidding about he GH sponsor HAHA but i do use all their product but hygrozyme and K-L-N (i think) for the clone solution. got one up and running will send pics after the weekend.maybe sun night. did a little changing in the design to after the first one ran. minor glitches. gonna get fine tuned!!


well the t works ok but i have found is overkill. one hose, straight down with 4 sprayer is all that is needed. also i can use a straight connector instead of the "T" and get more hose on the connection. str8 cons are a bit cheaper than T's too if your a stickler. more photos coming soon. i went with a panda 40 g rez. i didnt want to spend the dough but it is perfect for what i want and a lot less hassle and work for me. building some stands soon for the bins and not to far away from getting the tent all cleaned out.


hows it going whats the update? lookin to use tax money to get all my stuff...
going good. got more holes than i have clones LOL! got 3rd tub in a few days ago and 4th one is ready. i realized i am going to need more mothers to keep up with this. is goes fast. had to harvest the others a little early to make room . i was a little upset with that but figured if i want it to go with, it must be done. so two rows were sacraficed and two could stay,(tightly). i know ive been lazy on the post. will post it soon. but the plans have worked great with a little tweaking.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thats good to hear.. was worried bout ya, its to cold in my basement right now. my clones are not taking off the way i hoped. still using the flood and drain method for now. P.S. i hate it. lol... i got all the stuff for my first one but to lazy to put it to gether... any ways lets see some pics when u get some, and ill take some saturday.


Well-Known Member
Ya really, come on man with some pics!

i'm emptyin my cloner into flower today and gonna be takin more clones tonight..

Get some pics up!

These are goin into 12h today
