SoG Aero Grow Lighting Question


Well-Known Member
hello all.

Ok so I have 33 White Widow Clones in a SoG Aeroponics Configuation.

I am vegging them for 1 week and on Tuesday I will switch out the MH for 2 x 1000w HPS.

My main questions is this.

Is 2,000 watts too much?

My grow tent is 8x8 but my Hydro system only takes up about 7 x 5.

Would 2k watts make increase yeild enough or should I stick to 1k or say 1,400 or 1,600 watts on dimmable ballast?

Any help as I have two days to figure this out.

Just dont want to waste wattage.

I am using air cooled hoods and Hortilux bulbs. Intake and outtake incline fants and ocilating fan for circulation but am going to pickup another fan or two as well for heat.

Im running BPN nuts which in the past week have outblown GH 100%.

Any help appriciated.

As my main concern is if 2k watts will give me a much better yeild.

Aiming for close to 1gpw of Light wattage but we shall see.

Any help appriciated.


Well-Known Member
Also to add my hood will be 24 inches away depending on how hot it gets.

I keep it at 23-25 maximum.


Active Member
33 plants in a 7x5 is not sog. It's ~1 plant per square foot which is what I'm doing with aero and I consider it more of a SCROG. I've found 1.5-2 weeks veg necessary - but it may also depend on how well your clones were rooted when you moved them in, and if you're vegging 24/0 or 18/6. I don't think you'll get a completely even canopy without a net, but I'm just guessing.

white widow is a hybrid. Judging just off of watts you'd get a happy medium at ~50-60 watts per square foot based off usual HPS growing techniques. 60 watts per square foot is 2100 in your table, so it's not too much light.

You may want to look at CO2 at 1100ppm, and keep temps 80-85.


Well-Known Member
33 plants in a 7x5 is not sog. It's ~1 plant per square foot which is what I'm doing with aero and I consider it more of a SCROG. I've found 1.5-2 weeks veg necessary - but it may also depend on how well your clones were rooted when you moved them in, and if you're vegging 24/0 or 18/6. I don't think you'll get a completely even canopy without a net, but I'm just guessing.

white widow is a hybrid. Judging just off of watts you'd get a happy medium at ~50-60 watts per square foot based off usual HPS growing techniques. 60 watts per square foot is 2100 in your table, so it's not too much light.

You may want to look at CO2 at 1100ppm, and keep temps 80-85.
Mate I am running a SoG. Im in an Aeroflo60 3 inch net cups

I am very much running a SoG.
Not a Scrog with netting.

As I said im in a 8 x 8 grow tent but only 7 x 5 is used.

I have been vegging for a week and havea great root system.
Was just asking someone about too much light but you are correct about the watts.

its around 60watts per square foot which is quite good.

My main questions was regardless of watts per square foot would 2,000 really give much more than 1k with that low veg?
Thanks for the input but still did not answer my question.


Well-Known Member
Also will have C02 injection. I prefer my temps to be 25 or so.

just my main question. IS 2k going to give me a much more significant yeild vs say 1k or 1.4 or 1.6k?

just for electricity cost reasons.


Active Member
Well, not with 33 plants and one week veg I don't think. If you put all 33 on one side of the system then just used one of the 1000 watt lights you would be better off if you're only going to use half of the sites.

If you went to two weeks veg and then scrogged them - maybe.


Active Member
25C is too low. Your plants wont grow as fast or be able to utilize the CO2.

I'm currently doing 80-85F and 1000-1200 ppm CO2.

There's a gov study - cannabis is most efficient growing at 1200 ppm co2 85F(30C) and 2000umol/s of light.

Res temps will be an issue then too.

In order to keep my temps down I use a .5hp chiller located outside the grow room. I also have insulated my res to R-13 on the sides and the top is R-10 at 85F I'm at 70F res. I use higher pressure though - I think I'm at 3 minutes on every 15 minutes. If you run the pump more or don't insulate your res you may need a bigger chiller. (I'm doing a 40 gallon res..not sure what size yours is).


Active Member
You'll also need some air stones and an air pump 1 watt per gallon minimum for your reservoir.

I saw your thread on draining too, I use a utility pump in the reservoir..just plug it in to drain.

You're just using some cheap mag drive pump in that aren't you? It's just PVC right? Add a shutoff valve before the manifold going to the sprayers and put a tee just before that - have the tee go to another shutoff valve and adapt whatever pipe thread to a garden hose fitting.

I ask about the pump because if you fuck up and burn it out draining it dry it's no biggie - easy replacement. If you just drain it down until it's about to run dry then no problemo you're fine.

So to drain: turn off the shutoff valve before manifold, connect drain hose, open shutoff valve on tee and turn on pump. when almost empty turn off pump. Disconnect drain hose and connect fill hose, fill it back up through the same way you drained it..the pump wont mind if you force water through it backwards if it's turned off. close shutoff valve on tee and and disconnect fill hose. open valve before manifold. Adjust nutes and pH however you normally do.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure why you are making assumptions.
I have a chiller obviously.
Second, I keep my temps anywhere from 23-26.

Now back to my question.

If I have say half of the plants on one side and half on the other and running 1k lights per half would this increase yield?
Next you do realize that scrog is not SoG?
I will not use a net due to SoG.

Not sure if you are misinformed but Scrog should not even be in here.

All I was asking was if 2k watts would give me significant yield over 1k lights.

Need a serious response from a serious SoG grower.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure why you are making assumptions.
I have a chiller obviously.
Second, I keep my temps anywhere from 23-26.

Now back to my question.

If I have say half of the plants on one side and half on the other and running 1k lights per half would this increase yield?
Next you do realize that scrog is not SoG?
I will not use a net due to SoG.

Not sure if you are misinformed but Scrog should not even be in here.

All I was asking was if 2k watts would give me significant yield over 1k lights.

Need a serious response from a serious SoG grower.
Yes likely it would increase your yield. 1k would work, but it would be much better with 2k imo.
I apologize, just trying to shine in based on my experience, as my plants became very top-heavy with a 1 week veg.

Best of luck to you.


Active Member
What I'm saying is that if you have 33 plants in that space vegged for one week when you flower they will not create a full canopy (I'd imagine) and so then you would be wasting light. I thought most people filled those things up all the way and then flowered with one week of veg in which case 2k would be good but you only have half filled.

I think your best bet would be to fill up 1/2 of the thing and do 1k and if everything is dialed be happy to get 2 pounds. Before you flower at least 50% of an aerial view should be plant.


space them evenly and veg for one more week and use a net and 2k and get 4 pounds. Again, 50% of an aerial view should be plant.


Well-Known Member
he needs to learn how to grow first before anyone gives him detailed advice .

trust me when i say this one just doesn't listen ...... Period .

problem after problem after problem all unfixed and he's here asking about yeild !!!

someone ask him for pics of his plants before ya'll give him any more advice ......... Please :)

trust guys :)


Well-Known Member
What I'm saying is that if you have 33 plants in that space vegged for one week when you flower they will not create a full canopy (I'd imagine) and so then you would be wasting light. I thought most people filled those things up all the way and then flowered with one week of veg in which case 2k would be good but you only have half filled.

I think your best bet would be to fill up 1/2 of the thing and do 1k and if everything is dialed be happy to get 2 pounds. Before you flower at least 50% of an aerial view should be plant.


space them evenly and veg for one more week and use a net and 2k and get 4 pounds. Again, 50% of an aerial view should be plant.
Mate, you are refrenced SCROG....

SoG is sea of Green. One stock on many plants.

Not scrog.


Well-Known Member
sorry about this but the guys not sorting his problems out and going from one exteme to the next wasting peoples time

trippyness ........ Stick to one problem at a time .

^^ just some good advice :)

pics and we'll help ....... No pics no help !!!

I have fixed all my issues mate. Seems the nute line was just not doing it for me. Since I switched to BPN its been great.

Now the guy above obviously does not know what SoG is as he is speaking about SCROG.

SoG is when you have many plants 0 to little veg time then flower to get one cole per plant. Scorg is many top colas to fill a canopy.

So, will use 2k lights helf on each side as it seems im getting advice from someone who does not know what SoG is.

My plants are looking very very healthy.

I had a simple question.

ill ask some experianced growers.


Well-Known Member
I have fixed all my issues mate. Seems the nute line was just not doing it for me. Since I switched to BPN its been great.

Now the guy above obviously does not know what SoG is as he is speaking about SCROG.

SoG is when you have many plants 0 to little veg time then flower to get one cole per plant. Scorg is many top colas to fill a canopy.

So, will use 2k lights helf on each side as it seems im getting advice from someone who does not know what SoG is.

My plants are looking very very healthy.

I had a simple question.

ill ask some experianced growers.
you are asking experienced growers bro.

just saying.


Well-Known Member
Will gladly show some pics.

But again all I asked was yield going to be improved with 2k significant enough with SoG rather than say1k or 1.4k or 1.6k lights?

Thats was all my question but will snap a pic now.


Well-Known Member
My plants are fine.
Very healthy.
I have them on a good regiment.

Ones in Pots are Mothers.
Clone is White Widow and the Bush is Cotton Candy.
Doing great.
My clones are White Widow.
Doing healthy.

As I said I dont need help in regards to anything else currently.

Just want to know if 2k lights will increase yield if grown correctly in a SoG config and not SCORG.
Im aware they will get top heavy and I will be tying them if that does happen.

My other concern is heat.

What is best method to keep 2k lights cooled.
I already have aircooled hoods ventalated out of my room.

An inline fan pushing air in.

An oscillating fan over plants.

I will be getting another inline fan for my large Phresh filter.

Also, will be adding an additional oscillating fan to keep it cool and even a small air conditioner?

As I said my plants are fine just want to know.