SoG 9 per sq. ft do-able?

thank u all for ur words of support
@reggae: i read ur journal, just want u to kno that it was very inspiring!
what was it that happened that made u cut early? sorry i might have missed the post. was it bugs?

if u are to do another similar grow, what changes will u make to improve it?
also, i was always under the impression that a single 1000w bulb can cover a max area of 6x6 which is why i thought 2x600 will suffice but i suppose due to the density of plants in a tightly packed sog i will need more than that?


Well-Known Member
your totally right about the dencity of the plants... but you should look into a light move, with lite hoods you can place 2 on one mover then you will be hooked up...

and yes it was bugs that got me this time that and neglect from the giants making the series... im bout to start a new thread in a few days i will keep you posted...