Soda Water Yes or No?


Active Member
Odd question, but I think it's worth asking.

Could I supplement my plants normal watering with a bit of soda water? I bought three cans of Watson's Soda Water today and for some reason, I think it would be a good idea.

Ingredients are:
Carbonated Water
Sodium Bicarbonate
Calcium Chloride
Magnesium Sulphate

Would any of these harm the plants? I don't see any sugars (that I know of) in the ingredients, so I don't think it would cause mold or anything.

I don't plan on using this instead of water as a permanent thing. I just want to know if I water them with this every once in a while, if it would have any strange effects. It's a soil grow by the way.


New Member
the last two ingredients sound cool but dont know bout the others.. do some more research on it.. thats kinda interesting..


CaCl might not be the best thing in the world for your plants, but if the soda only contains trace amounts I think it would be fine. The other elements in the soda water are necessary for a plant's survival and its ability to flourish under the right conditions, so I'd say go for it, but the second you see any abnormalities cease the soda water treatment immediately.


I have never personally tried it, but I have heard using seltzer water with a foliar spray is really good for the plants. Something about the co2 mixed with water and nutrients being very beneficial for plants. If you do try it keep us posted on your results. Good luck


Active Member
CaCl might not be the best thing in the world for your plants, but if the soda only contains trace amounts I think it would be fine. The other elements in the soda water are necessary for a plant's survival and its ability to flourish under the right conditions, so I'd say go for it, but the second you see any abnormalities cease the soda water treatment immediately.
I don't plan on replacing normal water. I just think it might benefit from this once a month or so. After reading the wikipedia article on CaCl, I think it will be best to water the plant a little bit first, and then water with the soda water. I'll water my plants with it tomorrow and see how it goes.


Active Member
The plants don't need watering today, so this will have to wait till tomorrow. Maybe tonight at the earliest.


Active Member
I found something else to try watering them with today. I picked up a small botle of water on my way back from work. At first I jsut noticed it was a bit more expensive than usual. About twice as much, actually, but I just assumed it was the brand. When I took a sip I noticed the taste was odd, so I looked at the side. It had English on the side. Cool! Proper English! Awesome!

360ml of bottled "medicine water"
Pure Water
Soda (What?)
Potassium Chloride
Magnesium Sulfate
AS Honey (No idea what this is)

Below this was a small table.
Sodium 65
Potassium 8.5
Magnesium 4.5
Calcium Trace
PH Value 7.6 +- 0.2

The PH looks a little high, but I don't think it would hurt to use just a bit of this spread out over multiple plants.

What's your opinion on this one guys?


Well-Known Member
alryt mate .. my mate does sort of like the same fin but sprays the leaves with carbonated water 2 feed dem co2 seems more gd dan harm lik .. would prop do it myself by i hav ways of feedin my plants co2.. hope it help .


Active Member
Hmm... I guess I'll try mixing the two and using them to foliar feed. Tomorrow though. The plants are sleeping right now.


Active Member
I mixed the two waters together and used them to foliar feed. I'm not going to say the plants look healthier yet, but there's definitely no adverse reactions. I'll keep it up and see how it goes.


Active Member
Last night i sprayed seedlings (1 week old) with Schweppes Soda Water containing:

Carbonated Water
Sodium Bicarbonate

Without any exaggeration i have noticed two things, the color has deepened (darker green) and the leaves look like they are fatter. I would post pics but haven't got my camera. Overall to me they look great. But i cant say for sure its because of the soda water.