Sock puppets on the rise


Well-Known Member
Recntly I was readin an artical online about the military use if an program that can emulate a person on a social network site facebook TWITter meebo ect dose'nt seem that bad rite? wrong."The software would also be able to let personas appear to originate in nearly any part of the world and interact through conventional online services and social media platforms, while using a static IP address for each persona to maintain a consistent online identity. For all you know is that sexy chick or guy your online chatting with Is an middle aged over weight guy behind a desk. The gov't says that there not employing the tech on the U.S. Populus but who the hell really knows.Just Watch what you say online even more Now

"These false online personas, also known as sock "puppets", would be equipped to seem like real people while entering online discussion through blogs, message boards, chats, and more. With a false persona, a user could discredit opponents, or create the semblance of consensus."


Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Recntly I was readin an artical online about the military use if an program that can emulate a person on a social network site facebook TWITter meebo ect dose'nt seem that bad rite? wrong."The software would also be able to let personas appear to originate in nearly any part of the world and interact through conventional online services and social media platforms, while using a static IP address for each persona to maintain a consistent online identity. For all you know is that sexy chick or guy your online chatting with Is an middle aged over weight guy behind a desk. The gov't says that there not employing the tech on the U.S. Populus but who the hell really knows.Just Watch what you say online even more Now

"These false online personas, also known as sock "puppets", would be equipped to seem like real people while entering online discussion through blogs, message boards, chats, and more. With a false persona, a user could discredit opponents, or create the semblance of consensus."

Don't underestimate the market for middle aged, over weigh guys behind desks. I hear it's huge in India.


Well-Known Member
Lol I will never be able to take socks seriously again not that they were to serious to begin with, someone needs to come in here and say something about the fifi.


Well-Known Member
Urban dicTIONAry
buy fifi mugs, tshirts and magnets
Prevalent within death row inmates, a hands-free masturbation device made up of a dirty old sock, vaseline (or toothpaste, if not available) a toilet paper tube (if available), wedged firmly between a matress.
"Hey boy. Bend over. I'm 'bout to jack off with your asshole"
"Man fuck dat...yall needs ta be using yo FIFI, negga!"
by Avi "Hands-Free" Goldenboink May 15, 2003 share this
2. fifi 146 up, 38 down fifi mugs, tshirts and magnets
fifi is a latex glove wrapped by a small towell or sock inmates wrap the towell or sock. you can make your fifi tight to simulate a tight pussy by using rubberbands around the towell. insert some cream in the glove maybe some warm water. now just pretend your boning some fine ass chick and hurry before the guards bust you.oh and never use shampoo unless you want your penis to blow up and all your cell mates to laugh at you
fifi,latex glove,sock,towell,cream,tight, pussy
locked up my bitch jack off sock towell
by tony d fresh Sep 2, 2007 share this
3. fifi 94 up, 43 down fifi mugs, tshirts and magnets
Any simulated vagina, homemade or commercial.
When I was in reform school, every guy would trade things to get the stuff to make a fifi.


Well-Known Member
Oooh, I love a good Türing Test.

I have noticed that the number of sock puppets is inversely proportional to my desire to post here. I wish some of these socks were spook-socks; it would be more interesting.

That's all. I'm going to go read.
I feel the same way. I'm just ignore-buttoning all of them.

Who knows why someone would want to ruin other peoples fun? Never been my thing.