Society,where is it going?


Active Member
Society is going to hell. Everything that was once bad is now being accepted as ok. Kids are promiscous and dying from drug overdoses. New drugs are coming out every week, and the worlds nations are slowly turning against eachother. Basically, the world is turning into soddom and gamhorra.
And why is that stuff viewed as bad to begin with? Because of ignorance, that's why...

Why is it bad for kids to be fucking each other? Is it bad to make someone feel good? If they get a disease, that is their problem... but surely there is nothing bad about fucking another person.

Why are drug overdoses bad? The people who OD'ed at least exercised a human-right to consume drugs...

The world turning against each other, I agree with somewhat. Humans are nasty little tribal animals. They tend to come together in groups, and they like to reign supreme over the next group, all while saying "OUR DICK IS BIGGER THAN YOURS". They are oblivious to the fact that their "group mentality" is nothing more than an evolutionary-based psychotomy. It's ignorance that manifests itself into violence, which is a very sad thing.


Well-Known Member
Unless the dystopia becomes a "water empire". A ruling class that has absolute authority over a vital commodity has what it takes to keep that power indefinitely. cn

there would also be the factor of mother earth and the destructive means in which we acquire commodities,materials etc.,if the water empire came into play and it was an empire just as ignorant to the natural surroundings as our current day leadership,which IMO wouldnt be far fetched to say,then it to shall be short lived.Mother earth will have the last laugh in this case with severe natural disasters and the natural balance of the planet attempting to restore itself from damages we have created.


Active Member
Human society as a whole is currently fractured into innumerable smaller societies i.e. nations, religions, tribes, cults and the like. Each of these factions seeks a present and future consistent with it's own values which is both obvious and to be expected since we are after all just animals. The problems we face today as a global society are caused in large part by this disconnect between factions. If we all viewed each other as equals and put the good of the collective ahead of the good of the individual (faction) then we would begin to create a truly positive future for ourselves. This will not happen of course as long as people continue to oppress and kill one another in the name of peace or global order or capitalism or imperialism or religious freedom.

A great starting point will be to remove the malignant stranglehold that so many unfit politicians and bankers and warlords have on the governing bodies of most nations which I honestly believe we are beginning to see. Another step in the right direction we will see is a curtailing in the production of weaponry since you can not shoot someone if you can not easily get a gun or bomb. This second one will be tough since war is incredibly profitable for weapons manufacturers and the banks that provide the funding (fed) and the elected officials who receive kickbacks and positions on the board of trustees at these corporations and banks.

If we make it past these uncertain growing pains then we will find ourselves repairing the Earth in a truly peaceful and sustainable way. The next step will be space travel, solar system colonization, mining of the asteroid belt and rings of Saturn, searching for life on Mars and Europa, and eventually contact with other space explorers (although this has probably already happened here on Earth back in the 40's and 50's).

I like to think this is where we are going and why. We all lose sight of what we are at times so just take a step back and remember we are just a bunch of curious apes learning through trial and error.


Well-Known Member
So,from everyones viewpoint here,where do you see human society going in the next 60 years?Do you think we may see any progress as far as person to person interaction would happen and how people perceive one another ?Or will we see a regression into classes of people as a hierarchy system would be?Will altruism be turned into a dismal shadow of itself in such time?All thoughts are welcomed,,though sincere honest answers are most appreciated,
I think another world war will be the inevitable. Kind of like Star Trek lore, where it took a big world war and losing most of the worlds population to finally come together as a people of the world and work for the common good.

Today is too concerned about "stuff" we want the best, newest, expensive, blah blah blah. Too concerned about what people think of us, so we drive specific cars, wear cool clothes, impress others with ipads and other shit that will suck in 5 years. The other day i met a girl who hated her iphone 4 because it didnt have Siri, I was like WTF?