Societies pathetic.


Well-Known Member
I have much hope for humans as individuals. I think we are smarter and more capable now than ever before in history. Our medical advances alone are miraculous. Everywhere you look there are groups and collectives dedicated to helping the less fortunate. In terms of knowledge and compassion, I wouldn't want to live in any previous time than now.

Now, there are many many things wrong, as this thread points out. I must agree that I do not feel guilt for being a grower. I am simply taking advantage of a niche that was created from their asinine policy of prohibition and intolerance. You (they) can't implement a backwards policy based on misinformation and prejudice which creates a black market, continue to enforce this policy after decades of proof that none of it's goals are reachable or even justified, after it being clearly demonstrated to cause undue harm and misery, and then expect me to feel shame for taking advantage of the niche which exists by default. It is a contemptible policy bathed in greed which I have no obligation to follow as a human or as an American.

As for the other glaring atrocities pointed out in this thread. My preliminary theory is that the position of leading politics or business attracts sociopaths. A sociopath does not care about the feelings of others or the state of the world, although he/she is excellent at giving the appearance of concern. These people are attracted and well suited for seats of power, and once they occupy them they implement policies and actions which favor themselves at the expense of others. This coupled with the ill-education of the masses, the proliferation of myths and misinformation, the lazy approach much of the world takes to knowledge, are the two biggest contributors to the state of the world today.
You say fuck the system i say cool, but not to the point where others suffer.

You say sociopaths rule, i say more like phycopaths.

You say fit in and join them and i say go to hell.

Screw the world its wrong at a base level, needs re-writing and re-engineering, surely we could all be nice and enjoy existence but it will never be this way unless the existence we talk about dose not involve society.

If i tuned out and dropped out there nothing to say i wouldnt with all my good intentions create a society that is just as bad as the one im escaping but at least i didnt live in other peoples oppression.

There is no way out really just contempt and hatred. Peace


Well-Known Member
You say fuck the system i say cool, but not to the point where others suffer.

You say sociopaths rule, i say more like phycopaths.

You say fit in and join them and i say go to hell.
Sociopath and psychopath are interchangeable terms for the purpose of my point. Both refer to the type of person I was speaking of, they differ in the explanation of what produced that person. I was in no way saying if you can't beat em join em, I was saying manipulative, selfish people are driven to lead while uneducated, uninspired people are happy to follow.


Well-Known Member
Right on bro its just there seem to be way more selfish, manipulative, uneeducated and uninspired people around these days than people like me, the odds are heavily stacked against us bro! I think i'll probably just end up leading an unhappy existence overall with nothing but contempt, hatred and violence for those that are uninspiring. Shame there is no way out of it thesedays. peace


Well-Known Member
People use to be able to have a say and voices were heard, now the crowd dins them out and if someone stands up they are told to sit down by the overwhellming masses of sociities zombies.

Listening to them all is like a dull constant drone, always there antagonising your pure and happy thoughts, corrupting you down to its level, if you listen long enough you can hear the words 'Join us, throw away your humanity, shackle your freedom and imancipate yourself with mental slavery'

Where are the people like Bob Marley and Mother Terresa these days? Society has no spokesperson but the rich and arrogant. We need a movement, a platform and an example but look around you cause all i see is the opposite. I feel we have lost, society has destroyed the great people and encarcorated the rest.

What have they done, damn them all to hell!


Well-Known Member
I have hope for society. Shit will hit the fan soon and people will stop being such jackasses. There are people trying.. Devoting to helping.. Its just gonna take awhile, a few revolutions. All of which I'll do a huge effort to stay out of in order to protect my own neck. I'll sit back in my little farm house(came into some land recently due to a death), grow mucho poppies. Then guess what, stuff goes to shit, billy broke his back, guess whos got all the opium. ;) Am I right?


Well-Known Member
Fucking a your right.

Its a sad story that we had a lot of riots over here recently in tottenham london then most major cities all within a few days. It started cause the police shot this guy in the head and said he had a gun and fired first, turned out he didnt and the bullet they removed from a policemans vest was police issue and from their guns not his. Fucking pigs!

Anyway at a small demonstration things got ugly, were sick of this society and were sick of the police (pigs) we want change, but it all erupted across the whole country, thousonds took to the streets and protested, smashed shops up and burnt things down, was real bad but everyone who did it said look at what society has made us into! No jobs, crime everywhere, no one is nice, no more communities and the pigs are just big brother style dictators basically.

Most dimwits in my country said how bad this is and these people are wrong and started hating them more for rioting but a few small minorities tried to speak out and say were just tired of this shit society in which we live and the goverment should change for the better.

Fuck them cunts cause the goverment just prosecuted the lot of them, installed new policing tactics and harsher ones and then used the riots as a political platform to bring in their party policies and gain votes.

Fucking retards in my country, do they not realise if you dont sort the problem with society out this kind of stuff will happen and i dont think they realise it will be ten times worse next time it happens.

This really winds me up, we were oppressed when we spoke up, i know the riots were bad but why the hell do you think systematic rioting and looting breaks out across a whole country in every major city in the space of three days from just the pigs shooting one person dead! Dose this shit country not realise.

Sometimes i just cant take this shit, i been a non conformist all my life but seems like in the past week things have snapped. Like you i am realising the only thing left to do is close the door, break my back and grow them poppies.

Crime is no longer imoral to me, it is the only way to break the system! Peace


Active Member
The (free) film Human Resources does a better job then I could explaining how governments and corporations manipulate their people. It also provides insight into aspects of society that could be improved. I'm sorry I did have some original thought in here but it was piss poor by comparison so I just cut it out.

Manufacturing Consent does a good job of explaining why the media fails to question the government line.

The problem is most people are kept ignorant, disenfranchised, and fearful. They are trained to scapegoat their anger. Constructive debate (particularly about something as complex as a society) cannot occur under those conditions. That is less then an accident.


Well-Known Member
People use to be able to have a say and voices were heard, now the crowd dins them out and if someone stands up they are told to sit down by the overwhellming masses of sociities zombies.

Listening to them all is like a dull constant drone, always there antagonising your pure and happy thoughts, corrupting you down to its level, if you listen long enough you can hear the words 'Join us, throw away your humanity, shackle your freedom and imancipate yourself with mental slavery'

Where are the people like Bob Marley and Mother Terresa these days? Society has no spokesperson but the rich and arrogant. We need a movement, a platform and an example but look around you cause all i see is the opposite. I feel we have lost, society has destroyed the great people and encarcorated the rest.

What have they done, damn them all to hell!
Seems to me like you should move to an Amish type village, ha I made a thread about creating one. I'm not saying that as a bad thing I would love to move to one. Also weed would be one of the main crops. :)


Well-Known Member
I think im just gona keep growing till im free off society, ill use the money to fund a different life somewhere else, may take a few years but at least i know which roads im taking now.

No im not moving into an amish village, unfortunatly thats not the style im accustomed to. Peace
So what are you meant to do when you have had enough?? Is there a way out??? Peace
Get out of it as quickly as possible by making a tonne of money and living off it, or recognising it and living with it but not getting sucked in.

I think there is a fairly big difference between unknowingly living in the cage and knowingly living in the cage.


Well-Known Member
Sure is dude but still you wana live where i live, theres a cage over the cage that were all sitting in, i vote make a tonne of money. Peace


Active Member
This relates to something I was just reading about. How the Ultra High IQ society should be in control and not the dumb average joe. This about it, as a whole, Americans are pretty dumb. Academia has become a cold-hearted bureaucracy, and thus lead to under fundings. Less than 2% of the US has an IQ higher than 90. Meaning, on average, we can count on stupid fucking people, to continue to run a country that is in no need of a dummy as a leader. We think of Obama as a relatively smart person, and compared to bush I say yes, but on average the average lead the way instead of the Ultra-Brilliant minded people that should lead the way for the masses that don't have the mental abilities and capacities as say a genuine Genius like Christopher Langan. It makes sense to me, and after letting 200 years of dummies lead the way I say lets let a genius try and if its no better...lets go back to bush-like presidents :)


Well-Known Member
Screw the establishment, Ron Paul sounds cool but i have little time for any of them! Peace
