Socialism for the masses!


Active Member
Deffinately doc, that's exactly what Be Rye was infering!

This is a funny comparison, but I think the comparison with Obama isn't really that relevant, maybe if it were George Bush or Dick Cheney, or any other of the multitude of leaders that brought about unecessary war. Or tried to show their power by destroying others economies and cultures.

But I guess Obama isn't much better, I haven't read up as much on him as I have of the others, mabye I should get to it! I was pretty fucked off that he won the Peace Nobel Prize! And then sent thousands more troops to Iraq! Good one UN, good one.

They're all part of the same seven headed dragon though, right?!...................


Global Moderator
Staff member
oO (the Op)
You managed to make it as far as the cannibis cafe and only missed the politics section by 5 forums.
And are you trying to stir shit just because you can? I just don't see a point to your post.

Close but no cigar.


Well-Known Member
wrong area to post in mate but ya its Corp Socialism if you want to be specific everyone should do some research on lots of stuff Eric Blair (George Orwell) Carroll Quigley The us science czar Mr John Holdren which states...

• Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not;
• The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in food;
• Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise;
• People who "contribute to social deterioration" (i.e. undesirables) "can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility" -- in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.
• A transnational "Planetary Regime" should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans' lives -- using an armed international police force.


Active Member
it should take more than 3 months as an riu

to even think about posting mierda like this

you know what mierda is??
It's shit

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
I just thought it was interesting how so many people come together for socialism.

Didn't he get the Noble price for introducing an idea of how to solve prejudice or something? :roll: What did he do to win it? I've seen nothing to merit that million dollar prize.

I can't wait till 2012 so I can vote him out of office.

someone else

Active Member
I just thought it was interesting how so many people come together for socialism.

Didn't he get the Noble price for introducing an idea of how to solve prejudice or something? :roll: What did he do to win it? I've seen nothing to merit that million dollar prize.

I can't wait till 2012 so I can vote him out of office.
It's a shame they let people with an IQ as low as yours to vote. There should be a mental competency exam given before you're even allowed to vote.

Kid, did you really just compare Hitler exterminating 5 million Jews to Obama being inaugurated and his subsequent presidency?

Give me a point-by-point comparison of how Obama is promoting a 'socialist' agenda. You can't. You'll claim he wants socialized medicine. He doesn't.

And Jesus Christ, are you some yuppie who makes over $250,000? Very doubtful you're even employed at McDonalds. Then why are you so worried about your taxes going up? In the end, that's what so much of this is about...peoples fear of subsidizing the poor. The only people that would be affected in any tax increase would be people who make over $250,000 under an proposed Obama plan.

If you're making that much money, you can afford to pay more. Period. The United States is the lowest taxed nation (of major industrialized nations) in the world, yet we still bitch about "oh no, not higher taxes". Even better yet, we spend $5 billion/month on the War(s) in the middle east, new roads, schools, infrastructure, etc.

So quit your bitching about Socialism you dipshit, and get an education. Your argument would be more convincing if you had any facts to support....ANY OF IT.

But like those that want to spread hate and fear (FOX News, right-wing zealots), that's all you have; hype and rabble-rousing.

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
It's a shame they let people with an IQ as low as yours to vote. There should be a mental competency exam given before you're even allowed to vote.

Kid, did you really just compare Hitler exterminating 5 million Jews to Obama being inaugurated and his subsequent presidency?

Give me a point-by-point comparison of how Obama is promoting a 'socialist' agenda. You can't. You'll claim he wants socialized medicine. He doesn't.

And Jesus Christ, are you some yuppie who makes over $250,000? Very doubtful you're even employed at McDonalds. Then why are you so worried about your taxes going up? In the end, that's what so much of this is about...peoples fear of subsidizing the poor. The only people that would be affected in any tax increase would be people who make over $250,000 under an proposed Obama plan.

If you're making that much money, you can afford to pay more. Period. The United States is the lowest taxed nation (of major industrialized nations) in the world, yet we still bitch about "oh no, not higher taxes". Even better yet, we spend $5 billion/month on the War(s) in the middle east, new roads, schools, infrastructure, etc.

So quit your bitching about Socialism you dipshit, and get an education. Your argument would be more convincing if you had any facts to support....ANY OF IT.

But like those that want to spread hate and fear (FOX News, right-wing zealots), that's all you have; hype and rabble-rousing.
Chill... can't take a joke? bongsmilie


Undercover Mod
I just thought it was interesting how so many people come together for socialism.

Didn't he get the Noble price for introducing an idea of how to solve prejudice or something? :roll: What did he do to win it? I've seen nothing to merit that million dollar prize.

I can't wait till 2012 so I can vote him out of office.

Yeah right on duuuuude.

Anyone tell you lately that you are a dumb shit loser?


Undercover Mod
Obama tried to fix alot of our problems. It is not his fault that our economy took a dive. That started before he was in office. Everything went to shit starting around January of 2008. Obama did not take office until January of 2009.

He tried to improve our medical system which he managed to do somewhat, because the bill had to be heavily altered to suffice the needs of the greedy. That is why everyone will be required to buy healthcare, but that is not for many years. That is the capitalist systems version of good healthcare everyone has to buy it.

You have to look at the real facts. European nations have the best health care systems in the world that is available to everyone and they are socialized. We as Americans should embrace new ideas and implement them if they are better than what we have. It is called progress.

I'll give the U.S. that we have the best resources for new medicine, procedures and equipment. That is because it has all become about the money. It must be you that feels like an asshole when you tell a person they will die a slow horrible death because they can't afford the surgery, where as if they had lived in Canada they would get the surgery for free.


Well-Known Member
you guys dont really just take the news as thats all thats going on really guys look at press release documents THEY ARE SETTING UP A WORLD GOVERNMENT plain and simple too many ppl are worried about the next beer joint or fast food joint or jersey shore episode to fucking worry about the real problems that are happening idk like usury... the FED is unconstitutional Obama maybe a great guy but hes a figure head just like every other president JFK had it right hands down but again Obama = figure head but again hes also unconstitutional by the fact hes a KENYAN CITIZEN, He traded his citizenship for Kenyan citizenship before he was ever in office if G20 didnt wake you up to the coming NWO and you guys still beleive in the left right paradigm you guys are again just following the plan you ever notice CONTINUITY OF AGENDA? the LEFT is supported by the same people the RIGHT are this is is why they are having glen beck alllll of a sudden talking about EVERYTHING alex jones has been saying for idk YEARS AND YEARS this is REAL and happening so go ahead get addicted to television and what ever else will keep your mind off the real things going on


Well-Known Member
the European union IS A SHAME the international banking why do you think the FED is BULL anyone know about the American Union ? yah thats not exactly a good thing either


Active Member
once the one world government is set into place than you can go live in the bush while we all can still eat our fast food, drink beer, and watch jersey shore. problem solved.


Undercover Mod
How is a one world government not a logical step? I would have to agree with the natural progression of our world we would eventually recognize ourselves as Earthlings rather than American of European or African.

States, countries , allies, unions eventually we have to either all be from our planet or all be from our country. We will either become a world union or we will destroy ourselves.


Undercover Mod
The American Union? as in the United states? or are you talking about North American Union canada, mexico and U.S.A?


Active Member
How is a one world government not a logical step? I would have to agree with the natural progression of our world we would eventually recognize ourselves as Earthlings rather than American of European or African.

States, countries , allies, unions eventually we have to either all be from our planet or all be from our country. We will either become a world union or we will destroy ourselves.
exactly. +rep