socialism by choice


Well-Known Member
I'm really high and I started thinking about this shit. In my community it is amazing to see how much a sense of community this town has. There is a car service which runs amongst the community. There is a $3/hr flat fee for however long the car is used. If you need to move for instance arrangements can be very affordably arranged. There is also an active farmers market on the weekends where local farmers can directly sell their produce to the consumer. Even if you wanted a simple bag of grain, if you had the motivation to make food out of it, that can be acquired. Of course they sell their eggs and produce also. The big difference between this and say socialist Russia is choice. I can chose to spend gas and other car costs to drive in my own car to walmart to get low cost food. I could chose to walk down to the farmers market and get better food at possibly a slightly higher cost. In the end how much are we really saving in terms of total cost. Governments by definition cannot be socialist and function properly. When the people of russia were starving and freezing I can assure you that its leaders were most definitely not. So for the very few things which only the government should provide, police, firefighters, courts taxes are the only real way to accomplish this. If those are the things only you need to be directly responsible for, we would have virtually no federal income tax. So in my town, if you wanna be a dickhead chances are you won't be well liked and you won't be able to get a good deal on a bag of grain, haha. The government doesn't allow you to do things. If you are causing problems in the community however, the police are in charge of and should deal with those things. No one likes when people's houses are getting robbed. These are the same principles which this country of farmers was founded on. When timmy broke his leg climbing the tree behind the church, the local doctor felt obligation to treat him at a fair price. That doctor in fact probably got eggs from timmy's farm. Today the government tells us what we are "allowed" to do. This means that they are giving us freedom as they see fit. "They" being a small group of lobyists and politicians over $2000/plate dinner parties. The FEDERAL government feels marijuana is a problem so they unlawfully compell us to pay for massive funding for the prisons of these otherwise harmless "offenders". The police departments would lose funding if they did not comply with the wishes of the DEA. If cops are genuinely good people they should want to stop theft and violence, not people enjoying themselves. Haha, so that was my little rant. This must be some indica shit, cuz this is a way cerebral high. Actually it was some purps.