social toker or loner toker


Active Member
do you like to toke with ur buddies, during parties, or with a crowd?

or do you like to toke with your own beats, in your own house, maybe with a significant other or just ur best bud?

personally i prefer to only toke with a crowd when im drunk. wen just toking i like to be alone or with a few holmies.

if theres a crowd, its gotta be my place, with my cooking, my music, and my enclave/ambiance/settings

too picky? i think not :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Don't go to parties, but I will burn with a couple friends or a crowd in public! Mostly I smoke by myself though...stimulates deep thought for me.


Well-Known Member
both.....i love token alone and trippin around the internet.....but im also the guy at concerts and clubs rolling spliff after spliff trying to lift up the whole crowd:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::mrgreen:


Active Member
I Guess it really depends for me. I will smoke it if I got it and those who share with me usually get smoked out when they are dry.


Active Member
I thought that said: social toker or boner toker.

I was wrong. Though boner toker would be a pretty neat nickname for your overly sexdriven, stoner friend.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty much both.
If friends can't hang out or are too busy
I got by myself.
I think 5 is a crowd though.


Well-Known Member
Both, I prefer smoking with others for the social component but I can get down by myself and a few good movies.


Well-Known Member
I prefer alone acutaly, most people who smoke I have nothing in common with except (weed ofcourse) seriously most all of the pot heads I know are total mooches. like they'll sell you a tiny overpriced bag, and then expect you to smoke the entire thing right then and there with them. ooooo shit lol


Well-Known Member
Only one of my friends "smokes," but that is even minimal. So instead I smoke in the backyard. Really nice and peaceful. Just me and my dog chilling outside for an hour or two. Then I come inside and watch a movie while falling asleep.:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
totally agree with the peacefulness of the backyard...thats where i chill with my bong...its landscaped nice too...lots of those solar lights that have the pretty bluish glow...i call it "fairyland" lol. and yes...its because i seem to see fairies...haha...and where i live its sooo dark at night...i love to blaze and stargaze...i only ever toke alone...maybe with one other person...its a really solitary thing for me...i cant think if im around other people...and that just kills my high...i need to do my own thing


Active Member
for me, weed does two polar opposites

wehn alone, it stimulates deep thoughts
when crowded, it shuts off the brain so i gotta do what i "feel" like as opposed to what i think i wanna do


Well-Known Member
totally agree with the peacefulness of the backyard...thats where i chill with my bong...its landscaped nice too...lots of those solar lights that have the pretty bluish glow...i call it "fairyland" lol. and yes...its because i seem to see fairies...haha...and where i live its sooo dark at night...i love to blaze and stargaze...i only ever toke alone...maybe with one other person...its a really solitary thing for me...i cant think if im around other people...and that just kills my high...i need to do my own thing

We'd get along great! Ever seen shooting stars when high too? It makes ya just think.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Dont have any friends:-) Love to smoke on my own time, in the past when i did have so called friends, they usually just ruined my high.


Well-Known Member
It's fun just getting blazed with a few friends, gives me a sense of security and comfort. But I'll smoke on my own any day of the week. Just leave me some music to listen to and a bowl of rice crispies and I'm good.


Well-Known Member
I don't like smoking on my own..
Makes me feel like a loner :)

Besides I see cannabis as a social drug. :D


Active Member
I actually don't like smoking with other people at all, I didn't really like weed until the first time I smoked a joint by myself. I have pretty severe social phobia tho.


Well-Known Member definitely a chick lol @ skate hawaii...hehe i figured my screen name would be quite obvious...haha its all good tho