social heroin use

Is it possible to moderate heroin use?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 25.5%
  • No

    Votes: 41 74.5%

  • Total voters


Active Member
ive just sniffed it a few handfuls of times and never had any real desire to do it. if you break not just the heroin boundary but the needle boundary as well u probably will have problems in my opinion. the drug isnt even good, just addictive, in my opinion, no visuals or anything just a slight warm log cabin feeling, kinda tainted by vomit. some drugs have crazy experiences that are so good id never want to be without a touch of it in my life. Dope does nothing like that just changes your brain chem so that you think you want it with no super great experience at all, just a feeling. My friend used to spin me out on acid and open my mind on these crazy adventures. now he disappears into my bathroom. not exactly the same class of drug potential, in my opinion.


Ursus marijanus
The opiates have one very winning quality: they are not mind-clouding unless you're operating at anesthetic dose levels. However, I am not offering this as a justification for their casual use. They are SO much better reserved for pain control. If you're feeling nice/happy, you've already dosed beyond the prudent. My hard-won opinion. cn
A mate of mine began smoking a few months back and I asked him what it was like, he said the usual stuff, feels like a hot bath etc etc, then he says ''the only fucking problem is that i'm gettting A BIT addicted''.

I'm sure that it's safe to try it from time to time, but not for any prolonged period without getting addicted.


Active Member
I can't believe this is even a topic. Not so much the question, but what I'm reading in here. To try it means you hate yourself, or you grew up ignorant. Maybe in one of those churchy places that groups heroin, crack, and pot in the same category.

Srh88, those are some pretty damn good songs.


Well-Known Member
If you're using heroin "socially" (or even contemplating it) you really need to find yourself a new group of friends.

Is it *possible* to use heroin and not become a junkie/addict?

Sure. . .

Its also possible to play Russian Roulette with five out of six cylinders loaded, and not die on the first shot. Doesn't make it a good idea.

The fact is, that the overwhelming majority of individuals who use heroin repeatedly become addicts, and virtually EVERYBODY who injects it (even one time) eventually become addicts.


Active Member
I can't believe this is even a topic. Not so much the question, but what I'm reading in here. To try it means you hate yourself, or you grew up ignorant. Maybe in one of those churchy places that groups heroin, crack, and pot in the same category.

Srh88, those are some pretty damn good songs.
i am going to have to respectfully disagree with you there man. i don't fall into either of the categories you described. i happened to find a bag on the ground where i was working at the time. never had the intention of trying heroin, but somehow it managed to find me. of course it didn't force itself up my nose but being where i was emotionally, i really had no reason not to.

didn't ever try it again for about a year after fucking with some poppy seed tea, vics, oxys, & fent. i climbed the ladder slowly and gradually never becoming addicted until i found smack. was i delusional to think i could moderate use? abso-fucking-lutely! that's the point of this thread. maybe i would have thought differently about my "once a month" or "only on the weekends" approach if i read up on more first hand experiences.

this thread is for those beginning to dabble with opiates. the ones that think they're different. the overwhelming response is "no, you cannot moderate use" so i'm hoping someone somewhere reading this will save themselves the trouble and the pain that i'm sure most of the people who clicked "NO" have been through.


Well-Known Member
I previously used the opiates as medicine (migraine/cluster headache), and with success ... until an unscrupulous doc did me real damage, and a kind but unwise doc wrote me high doses of OxyContin to counter that damage. That broke me, and I cannot use opiates without arousing the bottomless thirst at this time. I recently had opportunity to test the premise, and I did not come out of the experience with my ego unbruised. No smackage for this old white rabbit ... for a good long time, I fear. cn

Interestingly, I dabbled in heroin many years ago. I found that it was not "the best feeling you could ever have" and perfered a good hallucinogen or 10 mg of valium or even better, some qualuudes. I figured that heroin was neither as wonderful as everyone said nor as dangerous. During the ensuing years I sampled opium and of course hydrocodone and liked them very much. I finally got my hands on some oxy and it was only because I was forced to defeat the new matrix formula and snort the stuff that I finally encountered the its powerfully addictive nature. I went through about a year of consumption. In order to save myself I refused to hang out with anyone who had it to this day - those friends think I don't like them but it is a simple matter of self peservation. I believe that oxy is actually more addictive than heroin - at least to me.


Well-Known Member
Interestingly, I dabbled in heroin many years ago. I found that it was not "the best feeling you could ever have" and perfered a good hallucinogen or 10 mg of valium or even better, some qualuudes. I figured that heroin was neither as wonderful as everyone said nor as dangerous. During the ensuing years I sampled opium and of course hydrocodone and liked them very much. I finally got my hands on some oxy and it was only because I was forced to defeat the new matrix formula and snort the stuff that I finally encountered the its powerfully addictive nature. I went through about a year of consumption. In order to save myself I refused to hang out with anyone who had it to this day - those friends think I don't like them but it is a simple matter of self peservation. I believe that oxy is actually more addictive than heroin - at least to me.
oxys are what got me started.. oxy 80's then you realize how much $ your spending and just end up doing dope


Active Member
some people can control there usage but for how long? it always creep on ya then your've got a roger rabbit again, i've battled with heroin addiction for 10 yrs on and off ,i know i can't dabble,cos it'll turn in2 every day useage and every thing that comes with that,ie grafting ,scrap metal etc etc
Hey man i am sorry to hear about this, i got in trouble for pot and have to go to a treatment center and NA classes, i always thought it would be weird but there is actually good things and cool people! sorry if this offends you i just hate to see people controlled by nasty drugs.

peace man


Well-Known Member
Birds of a feather flock together. There is no social use, just you lying to yourself and hanging out with junkies. I have seen opiates ruin lots of peoples lives. It's such a big problem by Detroit that they recently converted a suburban hospital into a drug treatment center. It is spreading like wild fire unfortunately. If you want drugs to do smoke weed and grow it. Growing your own gives greater satisfaction than taking any drug.


RIU Bulldog
I think you could get away with using it once....twice....but thinking that you could use it every once in a while and not somehow become addicted is just lying to yourself. Imho, if you're already asking yourself the question (justifying) then you're in serious trouble. Cause, you know you know you KNOW, that h is massively addictive, but you're saying 'eh, maybe it isn't'.
Getting off isn't as bad if you're commited to it (this coming from someone who is in methadone treatment for opiate addiction). It takes about 3-5 days to get over the withdrawls, which isn't bad for opiates. With lortabs/perc/vics I was withdrawing for weeks, and methadone I've never been able to kick cold turkey.

I you don't see yourself getting off in the near future, for whatever reason, then I'd say get Methadone treatment. It's not the perfect answer but it's the lesser of two evils that's for sure. You can lead a relatively normal life in methadone treatment (and even taper off eventually), but you can't live a normal life as an addict.
Don't get me wrong. Methadone treatment should be your absolute LAST option. I've heard from just about everyone who's done both that methadone is harder to kick than heroin.


bud bootlegger
I think you could get away with using it once....twice....but thinking that you could use it every once in a while and not somehow become addicted is just lying to yourself. Imho, if you're already asking yourself the question (justifying) then you're in serious trouble. Cause, you know you know you KNOW, that h is massively addictive, but you're saying 'eh, maybe it isn't'.
Getting off isn't as bad if you're commited to it (this coming from someone who is in methadone treatment for opiate addiction). It takes about 3-5 days to get over the withdrawls, which isn't bad for opiates. With lortabs/perc/vics I was withdrawing for weeks, and methadone I've never been able to kick cold turkey.

I you don't see yourself getting off in the near future, for whatever reason, then I'd say get Methadone treatment. It's not the perfect answer but it's the lesser of two evils that's for sure. You can lead a relatively normal life in methadone treatment (and even taper off eventually), but you can't live a normal life as an addict.
Don't get me wrong. Methadone treatment should be your absolute LAST option. I've heard from just about everyone who's done both that methadone is harder to kick than heroin.
i'm in the process of trying to get off done now beansly.. i was at 50 mg's a day.. i'm now down to only 15 a day.. i stopped there for a month or so till i got comfortable again as i wasn't feeling the greatest tbh.. i'm going to start coming down again soon..

the problem with done over heroin is that done's half life is much longer then that of heroin, and therefore the withdrawals tend to last a much, much, much longer time then that of dope.. the nice thing is you can slowly taper yourself down at your own will, not something easily done with dope ime..