word up homieI have some shitty anxiety.. Every time I go up to someone I just think I'm looking gay saying nothing but yet I'll look gay if I say something because I'll say something stupid so I end up saying nothing and people are like.. Who the hell was that kid. But when I'm high I'm just like fuck it I don't care if these people don't like me. I don't even know them so how's it going to hurt? It's not just when I'm high too.. I just sort of stopped caring about a lot of stuff when I started smoking and slowly I'm getting rid of the anxiety.. Honestly, it's just all about not giving a shit. Bottle your emotions dude.
I know but I'm just being real. It works.not good for youuuu....
And this doesn't fuck with you when you're taking any drugs right?... Like how MOIA's or w/e they're called do with DXM? Does it make weed trips more intensive?man dude this is a problem that u need to take medication for, i had the problem all my life i got to the point were I couldnt even hang out socially unless i was drinking. i didnt lose my virginity till after all my freinds did cuz i always made excuses to myself like oo she too ugly or whatever just cuz the anxiety, my freinds would even like have a gurl for me who was down to fuck or somthing and id run away and hex herbut i just lived with it not really knowing that my brain was messed up and low on a brain chemical i thought i was just being a pussy, it got to the point where i would be drinkin straight liquir in the car on the way to a date cuz i was so nerveous,
anyway whenever i was drunk it all went away and i could be my charming self and get laid, but finally after i got married and kinda being a shut in cuz weed would make me not wanna go anywhere, i finally had to bite the bullet and go see a doctor cuz i had an important job and was freaking out during big meetings and shit, one time i just walked out in the middle of an important business meeting and never came back.
so i go to this doc and feel like now i gotta tell this guy im a little bitch and need help for my anxiety and he put me on Lexapro first 10 mg then uped it to 20mg takes 3 weeks to kick in fully and releases seratonin in your brain that you are not producing enough of. anyway man that shit will change your life, its some sick shit. and once the pill fixs you u instantly feel great talkative and shit, works great for me. go to a doc an he will ask u a bunch of questions and he can tell by that if u need pills on not. but tell him to hook you up with some lexapro
tellem Dr. Panda sent ya![]()
And this doesn't fuck with you when you're taking any drugs right?... Like how MOIA's or w/e they're called do with DXM? Does it make weed trips more intensive?
I think I might try this out. I'm not really afraid to say things now.. I just simply have nothing to say lol. I have no idea how I'm able to get by socially :S and I know I can do better.