Soccer - Americas Path to Socialism


Ursus marijanus
I'd like to hear this man's theological opinion about golf ... or bowling. So long as he doesn't violate the Canon.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Oh my GOD!! Saturday night live couldnt do a better satire. Sodomy starts with s, socialism starts with s, soccer starts with s...y'all think thats a coincidence?


Mexicans play soccer, mexicans from brazil, mexicans from puerto rico, mexicans from all them countries play soccer

I wonder if he knows that goalies use theor hands or you have whats called a throw in, which uses hands, and inherrantly elbows.

I'll bet this guy uses all his body parts when he jerks off so as to not offend god.
Well I gotta question for ya buddy, if god wanted us to use our whole body...then whud he make it so we cant blow ourselves? Now that jest dunt make sense.


Ursus marijanus
Oh my GOD!! Saturday night live couldnt do a better satire. Sodomy starts with s, socialism starts with s, soccer starts with s...y'all think thats a coincidence?


Mexicans play soccer, mexicans from brazil, mexicans from puerto rico, mexicans from all them countries play soccer

I wonder if he knows that goalies use theor hands or you have whats called a throw in, which uses hands, and inherrantly elbows.

I'll bet this guy uses all his body parts when he jerks off so as to not offend god.
Well I gotta question for ya buddy, if god wanted us to use our whole body...then whud he make it so we cant blow ourselves? Now that jest dunt make sense.
Well shewt, Filthy ... that's Gawd's way of tellin us it's a good idea ta'find a little buddy. cn


Well-Known Member
The whole world calls it football while ignorant America calls it's soccer, go anywhere else in the world and I mean anywhere and ask to play football, see if they bring out a piece of pig.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Well shewt, Filthy ... that's Gawd's way of tellin us it's a good idea ta'find a little buddy. cn
Well shucks...then why is pigs and sheeps so darn bad at it then? I mean....they aint even got the right lips for it.

What a nutbag, someone needs to order that guy a tin foil hat. And a map.

I wonder what that guys hour of goodness or hour of being good that he talks about in the beginning when he was reffering to trying to help america. If I need a tractor greased down...or a model for googly eyes I would ask him for help...but not to save.erica. My goodness. I wish he lived in my town, I would stop by his hpuse for entertainment, ask him questions like, "do you think its because he.s muslim or because hes black that obama is doing sucj a good job in office?" Or "what problems do you think early humans had I. Distinguishing between other primates and how long until that stopped?" Watch his head explode....

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Ask him "if god and satan got together and had a baby, how much would it look like rosie o'donnel?

"if my waffel iron keeps burning the waffels, do you think I should get it exorcised?"

"dont you think that having the letter "k" is a bit wasteful, even democrat kind of wasteful?"

"do you think jesus would double down on 11.s?"

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I'd like to ask him "if jesus got all coked out and took some acid, what do you think his sermons would be like? Anything like charles mansons?"

"if god made bananas shaped tjat way so its easier for us to eat them, does that mean pineapples and cocnuts are evil?"

"Do you think mexicans get treated like shit because they are smarter than us or because they are just more good looking? Or both?"

"when torturing kittens over a pile of photos and toenail clippings of steve buscemi in a red lightbulb lit room, do you find its more gratifying to just let them bleed out, or to smash them repetedly with the blunt side of a hatchet? Or both?"

"if donuts grew on trees would police officers be more or less effective at theirjobs? Or both?"

I can go on all day...but this bud aint gonna trim itself....


Well-Known Member
This is satire.

Billy Bob Neck is a stand up comedian.

The only difference between this and the Stephen Colbert Show is that Billy Bob has been doing it longer.


Well-Known Member
lol he did a damn fine job! Damn fine! Colbert should have him on his show
Damn fine job of what? Perpetuating stereotypes?

If he were in blackface instead if a John Deere gimme cap, would you have the same reaction?

What if he held a Quran, would your approbation be as effluvious?

I am not criticizing you. I just want you to think about preconceived notions and prejudice; and why several members here assumed it was genuine.


Well-Known Member
Damn fine job of what? Perpetuating stereotypes?

If he were in blackface instead if a John Deere gimme cap, would you have the same reaction?

What if he held a Quran, would your approbation be as effluvious?

I am not criticizing you. I just want you to think about preconceived notions and prejudice; and why several members here assumed it was genuine.
A damn fine job at acting and almost pulling it off. I saw that clip on another forum and thought it was hilarious! It's satire, but there are actually people like that. I don't think it's perpetuating a stereotype necessarily.

Blackface would have made it 10x's funnier!

You can tell it's satire from the beginning, the JD hat is a perfect touch!

I honestly do not know what approbation or effluvious means. I'll look those up though.



Well-Known Member
A damn fine job at acting and almost pulling it off. I saw that clip on another forum and thought it was hilarious! It's satire, but there are actually people like that. I don't think it's perpetuating a stereotype necessarily.

Blackface would have made it 10x's funnier!

You can tell it's satire from the beginning, the JD hat is a perfect touch!

I honestly do not know what approbation or effluvious means. I'll look those up though.
Of course it is perpetuating a stereotype. That portrayal is what many people assume about Southerners.

But how many people know the comedian is from Boston?

Or that it is satire?

Like I stated earlier, I am not criticizing you (Even though you obviously bought it, too.).


Well-Known Member
Of course it is perpetuating a stereotype. That portrayal is what many people assume about Southerners.

But how many people know the comedian is from Boston?

Or that it is satire?

Like I stated earlier, I am not criticizing you (Even though you obviously bought it, too.).
Its obvious its satire.. Just like Colbert..

buddha webb

New Member
thats the kind of person we really need to worry about.......Brilliant,"you play soccer,you go to hell,simple".....................The crazy thing is he believes his crazy shit.....when we eat we dont use our legs.....hell.sure.hell.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like someone is jealous cause they dont have NFL SUNDAYS MONDAYS AND SOMETIMES THURSDAYS

Also, im more then sure American footvmball is more deserving of the name football, soccer is good, but you cant compare soccer to football, its like apples and oranges...

QUOTE=jamboss;6815828]The whole world calls it football while ignorant America calls it's soccer, go anywhere else in the world and I mean anywhere and ask to play football, see if they bring out a piece of pig.[/QUOTE]


Active Member
Sounds like someone is jealous cause they dont have NFL SUNDAYS MONDAYS AND SOMETIMES THURSDAYS

Also, im more then sure American footvmball is more deserving of the name football, soccer is good, but you cant compare soccer to football, its like apples and oranges...

I am a huge football fan(pigskin) and an avid soccer watcher. I have always thought that us americans had the names backwards. Soccer is primarily played with feet, so it should be football. And soccer always sounded like you should sock someone, which is closer to football. /baked two cents

edit for spelling