Socal Seed Co.

sounds like he should have been less trusting. first off why would you meet anyone growing weed off the internet and go to his casa and help him move all his weed and shit if he didnt already have a med card? sounds like this guy walks into setups all the time.

Actually I already knew him before RIU. Thanks for your opinions though. At least you're honest, right?
in all honesty you seem like a guy id talk shit about also. just my .02. you come off as an arrogant piece of shit. but like i said it is the internet and its all just based on peoples personal opinions. so why do you care what others opinions of you are so bad? and in all honesty if your such a good grower why are you trolling threads talking shit. who cares what some other dude said on the net. serious shit. you start to make yourself look dumb as shit when you start spewing at the mouth. again this isnt the first time ive seen you do it in threads. again just my personal opinion. jackhole.

What's a jackhole anyway? And how again am I a troll? I'm the only person to post pics of socal shit in this thread. Do you have pics or any experience with their beans? Or are you just here for the shit talker party?
Eh, I gave the dude no reason to act the way he did. But he did. And I still have my balls, no need for concern. It barely broke the skin. I didn't mean to kill it but the reaction was immediate. Know what I mean? I wasn't happy about killing the thing. But see how he brought that up? He's a shit talking asshole that has nothing honestly bad to say about me so he brings up bullshit nonsense. But whatever. I'm the only one that grew any socal beans in this entire thread and had pics posted months ago, all the crap followed me here. Hater and shit talker party.
it is what it is. id probably grow some of them once they are more known. just cant risk it right now. yeah i get the reaction part. id have probably done it too. but he wouldnt have had a chance to get anywhere near my junk if ya know what i mean. lol. yeah i admit it was kinda shitty for him to bring up personal life shit into a thread like this but you have to admit you kinda went a we bit overboard on the rants. lol. but still it was a bit amuzing.
What's a jackhole anyway? And how again am I a troll? I'm the only person to post pics of socal shit in this thread. Do you have pics or any experience with their beans? Or are you just here for the shit talker party?
in all honesty im not sure what a jackhole is. i was high and it sounded good in my head at the time. lol. your probably not a troll but the rants kinda made you out to be one for a second. no offence. and no none with their beans. none at all. but i do grow and have experience. my experience tells me to wait till the company has been around longer before buying is all and actually i was curious as to whether or not they were shite. but the shit talking began and i couldnt help but join in. lmao. normally wouldnt but the rat biting your nuts made it too easy. ;)
sounds like he should have been less trusting. first off why would you meet anyone growing weed off the internet and go to his casa and help him move all his weed and shit if he didnt already have a med card? sounds like this guy walks into setups all the time.

i doubt thats how it all went down. but yeah whatever, cool story.
Eh, I gave the dude no reason to act the way he did. But he did. And I still have my balls, no need for concern. It barely broke the skin. I didn't mean to kill it but the reaction was immediate. Know what I mean? I wasn't happy about killing the thing. But see how he brought that up? He's a shit talking asshole that has nothing honestly bad to say about me so he brings up bullshit nonsense. But whatever. I'm the only one that grew any socal beans in this entire thread and had pics posted months ago, all the crap followed me here. Hater and shit talker party.

I really really really am most curious as to HOW a rat was close enough to your junk to bite it? were you just naked letting a rat tickle your pickle or what? do you sleep with your pet rats? im really confused as to how the rat got to your balls more then the fact you killed it, theres plenty more especially if your from the D.
seriously, i think you did the rat a favor if you were keeping him/her as some kind of miniature sex slave.....was the rat from Thailand or Eastern Europe ? poor Olga the little Russian orphan, brought to America by the Russian Mafia then forced into sex slavery for some weird old lonely stoner to pay off her trip to America.... its a sad story heard too many times in these days..... :-/
RAWRRRR!!!! haha chill out, you sound guilty when you get so angry, i was just poking some fun at a hilarious situation. your scenario still sounds like some BS tho hahahaha and your anger definetly makes you seem like youve got somthing to hide, are you the kingpin of some Rat sex slave ring? is Uncle Pirate what you make your miniture sex slaves refer to you as? i didnt know there was such thing as rat sex porn, i guess youd be the guy to talk to about that sort of thing tho, i think you learned your lesson tho since Olga ate your nutsack hehehe !!! i just feel bad for your wife, no wonder she has to has to see black guys on the side..... tsk tsk
Welcome to the Nazi Censorship practices of riu. As you can see mine was deleted and his remained as well. I was even threatened with the ban hammer, which is not threat as I could care fucking less.

It the old pick and chose and stand up for the weak stupid ones.
RAWRRRR!!!! haha chill out, you sound guilty when you get so angry, i was just poking some fun at a hilarious situation. your scenario still sounds like some BS tho hahahaha and your anger definetly makes you seem like youve got somthing to hide, are you the kingpin of some Rat sex slave ring? is Uncle Pirate what you make your miniture sex slaves refer to you as? i didnt know there was such thing as rat sex porn, i guess youd be the guy to talk to about that sort of thing tho, i think you learned your lesson tho since Olga ate your nutsack hehehe !!! i just feel bad for your wife, no wonder she has to has to see black guys on the side..... tsk tsk
lemme guess. Tacos ol lady.
lemme guess. Tacos ol lady.

no it was spicy chinese food you should know, your such a hero Kite, man i hope my kids grow up to be the knight in shining armor on a big white stead that you are for these poor simpleton RIUington folk. go redeem this ticket below for your Hero Trophy

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