Hey there!
I'm also doing some hard-core research into rock wool and the seeding process. After many different (although slight) opinions, 5.5 is the LOWEST you want to go when soaking your rock wool. You also only have to soak for 15 seconds and NEVER squeeze the rock wool. It is already made with the perfect moisture/oxygen ratio-- you will ruin it if you squeeze them. Set them out to dry so that they are MOIST, not wet. When you pick them up, they shouldn't drip what-so-ever.
As for putting the seeds in the rock wool, there are 2 main (both correct) methods of doing this. First, take a screwdriver or something similar in diameter and make the provided hole nice and neat so the seed will fit down. Then, arrange the rock wool gently so the top (hole) is sealed shut. The other method is to flip the rock wool cube upside down and make your own hole!..just don't pierce through the other side- that goes for both methods.
I'm beginning my gardening tonight so I sure as hell hope it works! jkjk haha
Let me know if you find any tips!