So you want to grow pot outdoors eh?

and another thing, you goddamn dumbshit, your

look at ya, ranting like a lunatic. Go fuck yourself

Alright Larry. Look at what you just said. Look at your punctuation. I am going to correct your sentences tonight.

Here goes...

Larry says:

1) Larry: "and another thing, you goddamn dumbshit, your"

1a) Psychadelibud: Should be this---> "And another thing, you God damn dumb shit, your"

This one is the least of the best of your two sentences. It makes absolutely no sense at all. For one sentences do NOT and can NOT start with the word "and". You left out capitalization and periods. This statement however also did not make any sense, did not go anywhere at all. "Your".... "Your" what Larry?

2) Larry: "look at ya, ranting like a lunatic. Go fuck yourself"

2a) Psychadelibud: Should be this ---> "Look at you, ranting like a lunatic. Go fuck yourself."

Or you could use an exclamation mark (!) after the last word, "yourself", because an exclamation mark is usually used in sentences or statements expressing anger or loud tones.

In all honesty Larry, I am pretty well endowed. I could probably easily "fuck myself" if I needed too. I am just not that lonely at the moment. My wife gives it to me any time of day or night, whenever I feel it.

You could probably use this quote as your signature as well, I think this would make you appear more appealing to others. Make your presence be known Larry.

"Larry the Expert Botanist... Sucking 8===> Since "Insert whatever year you were born here" ______.

You still have not posted any photos proving your expertise. You are a pathological liar that does not have time to take any photos or explain yourself because you are occupied with large cocks and farm animals on your free time.

May the spindly, airy, low yielding, nitrogen intoxicated buds be with you!
Larry, just wanted to stop by and say that you are a nark. A rat. A snitch. I bet you would snitch on your own brother wouldn't ya? I can feel it behind your "cyber" tone.

If this were a real life dispute, I would beat your ass like it has never been beat before.