So... When is Obama going to end the war?


Well-Known Member
im not trying to debate it cause i probably would lose...but yes i would consider it foriegn land only because i dont see a embassy for every country in american why do the US have to have a base or embassy in almost every country..
we have embassy's, not bases

we have bases in (off the top of my head) japan, germany, cuba, all over the pacific.......screw it almost every country that has a meaningful location (we wouldnt put a base in a land-locked country of no interest to us, such as laos or swaziland


New Member
the bastards mucking things up in that country now know all they have to do is hibernate for a few years, gather strength and support, and attack en mass
Let em, they'll be attacking themselves, not our young men and women. If the Iraqis can't control their country without our help, then let their revolucion began. This is a new beginning for the Iraqis, they and only they can sort it out. We've removed the dictator, time to leave.


New Member
put your ego somwhere else.
Look who is talking:shock:

im so tired of you guys whining about a war that has already been over and won for a while now.
Looks like we have another dumbass on our hands. GREAT:spew:

A fool like this believes this war is about stopping terrorism. Boy is this boy wrong.

You should look up the term "ulterior motive". it might do yah some good.


New Member
We've removed the dictator, time to leave.
Exactly. Im not sure why The U.S. thinks they need to police the world but they got the ball rolling for the people so get the fuck out and let THE PEOPLE take back THEIR country.\

I'm tired of Americans dieing for Iraqi's. it's bullshit. I will die for my freedom. I will die for my country's freedom. But sure as shit I won't die for any motherfucker who lives halfway across the world in some godforsaken desert.

I'm really sure the U.S. want to "spread" democracy. Thats bullshit.

What about Darfur? the travesties going on there are ten fold of what is going on in Iraq. Yet the U.S. doesn't give a shit because darfur is a useless shit-hole with No Oil.

Woops! Did i say that out loud?:peace:


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Im not sure why The U.S. thinks they need to police the world but they got the ball rolling for the people so get the fuck out and let THE PEOPLE take back THEIR country.\

I'm tired of Americans dieing for Iraqi's. it's bullshit. I will die for my freedom. I will die for my country's freedom. But sure as shit I won't die for any motherfucker who lives halfway across the world in some godforsaken desert.

I'm really sure the U.S. want to "spread" democracy. Thats bullshit.

What about Darfur? the travesties going on there are ten fold of what is going on in Iraq. Yet the U.S. doesn't give a shit because darfur is a useless shit-hole with No Oil.

Woops! Did i say that out loud?:peace:
What's Darfur? They don't have that on Fox news damn . . .:lol:


New Member
What's Darfur? They don't have that on Fox news damn . . .:lol:
Fortunately we have Mcleans Magazine here in Canada.

Ever so slightly biased to the middle (nothing wrong with that :D) but still probably one of the most objective source of news in North America.

I have read plenty about Darfur from there,,, makes you wonder:confused:


Well-Known Member
Fortunately we have Mcleans Magazine here in Canada.

Ever so slightly biased to the middle (nothing wrong with that :D) but still probably one of the most objective source of news in North America.

I have read plenty about Darfur from there,,, makes you wonder:confused:
Its exactly like you said the country has no really valuable natural resources that US business' can exploit. As a result we send in a puny UN peacekeeping force and for the most part ignore the human rights atrocities . . . But Iraq had a terrible DICTATOR!:roll:

I like to joke about it because it opens peoples eyes . . .
Try this one on someone:
"Dude don't you hate it when mercenaries come in rape your mom, steal your shit and burn your house down?"
People are like WTF!?
Then you tell them about Darfur . . .:cry:


New Member
Then you tell them about Darfur . . .:cry:
It is very sad. Ever since Bush sr. we, for some reason, have not been able to keep our troops out of the oil-ridden middle east.

Is it ironic that the Bush family is and has been involved in Oil in more ways than burning it?

I doubt it.

Is it ironic that we are in the middle of a energy crisis and quite possibly the beginning of a recession from the result of it?

I doubt it.

Words for thought


Well-Known Member
It is very sad. Ever since Bush sr. we, for some reason, have not been able to keep our troops out of the oil-ridden middle east.

Is it ironic that the Bush family is and has been involved in Oil in more ways than burning it?

I doubt it.

Is it ironic that we are in the middle of a energy crisis and quite possibly the beginning of a recession from the result of it?

I doubt it.

Words for thought
NO! Don't state facts chuck!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
If Americans really wanted to end the Occupation and end sending billions of our tax dollars to Iraq they would have made Ron Paul president.


Well-Known Member
If Americans really wanted to end the Occupation and end sending billions of our tax dollars to Iraq they would have made Ron Paul president.
No they wouldn't two candidates from both parties would have been on the ballot for the election that did not support the war. One of them would get elected. It's about public complacency most people blindly support the war or plain just don't care . . . this leaves the powers at be to do whatever they want.
That is why dissent is patriotic . . . a powerful system must be continually challenged by the people it serves or it will no longer serve them but enslave them. :peace:


Well-Known Member
facts, my friend, come with verifiable data. what you two have been presenting are opinions, nothing more. if what you two have are facts, please show the data.
Umm can I just name one? These are facts you know like the FACT that Dick Cheney was the former CEO of HALLIBURTON one of the countries largest construction companies. Halliburton is currently in charge of rebuilding infrastructure in Iraq!! Yep thats right we blow it up and then pay Dick Cheney to fix it. Sounds like a business deal to me . . . but of course the Bush family is not full of oil men:roll:(BTW Halliburton builds a lot of oil fields)


Active Member
NO! Don't state facts chuck!!:peace:
Umm can I just name one? These are facts you know like the FACT that Dick Cheney was the former CEO of HALLIBURTON one of the countries largest construction companies. Halliburton is currently in charge of rebuilding infrastructure in Iraq!! Yep thats right we blow it up and then pay Dick Cheney to fix it. Sounds like a business deal to me . . . but of course the Bush family is not full of oil men:roll:(BTW Halliburton builds a lot of oil fields)
what you have there is a conspiracy theory. you think we should have used a very small contractor company to rebuild iraq? we should have possibly used the second smallest company in the nation? if you can show some proof rather than bs accusations that not even or msnbc can top, please lay off the cute smileys and enlighten me.


Well-Known Member
what you have there is a conspiracy theory. you think we should have used a very small contractor company to rebuild iraq? we should have possibly used the second smallest company in the nation? if you can show some proof rather than bs accusations that not even or msnbc can top, please lay off the cute smileys and enlighten me.
You are absolutely right GWB and friends had no economic benefit from this war. Yep we went there to try to liberate the people and FIGHT TERRORISM!!

Please bro it is not even worth arguing it is SO blatantly obvious but people refuse to accept it because it is SO fucking terrible. The American public is COMPLACENT and powerful people would rather them stay that way. Yes people profit off of War . . . rich people.

When in history have you ever heard of a poor person receiving "spoils of war"?. People are forced into un-needed labor as a result of war as well. The connection is obvious this is what we call the Military Industrial Complex. Look it up then get back to me. :peace:

Oh an the oil? That's just a bonus right? Wait you mean we can run a business in a foreign country and get a cheap local source of labor as well? Invade them!:twisted:


New Member
Up in Heaven, Alexander the Great, Frederick the Great and Napoleon are looking down on events in Iraq. Alexander says, "Wow, if I had just one of Bush's armored divisions, I would definitely have conquered India." Frederick the Great states, "Surely if I only had a few squadrons of Bush's air force I would have won the Seven Years War decisively in a matter of weeks." There is a long pause as three continue to watch events. Then Napoleon speaks, "And if I only had that Fox News, no one would have ever known that I lost the Russia campaign."


Active Member
You are absolutely right GWB and friends had no economic benefit from this war. Yep we went there to try to liberate the people and FIGHT TERRORISM!!

Please bro it is not even worth arguing it is SO blatantly obvious but people refuse to accept it because it is SO fucking terrible. The American public is COMPLACENT and powerful people would rather them stay that way. Yes people profit off of War . . . rich people.

When in history have you ever heard of a poor person receiving "spoils of war"?. People are forced into un-needed labor as a result of war as well. The connection is obvious this is what we call the Military Industrial Complex. Look it up then get back to me. :peace:

Oh an the oil? That's just a bonus right? Wait you mean we can run a business in a foreign country and get a cheap local source of labor as well? Invade them!:twisted:
i'll start in reverse order so my train of thought isn't broken.

oil, are you kidding? name the last time the price of oil went down because of the iraqi occupation? even better (without wikipedia now), can you tell me if iraq was a member of OPEC before the war?

what is "un-needed" labor? are those the "un-needed" jobs we don't have here? and did you just say "this is what we call the "Military Inustrial Complex." what the fuck is that supposed to mean? that makes NO sense, my friend. and as far as "spoils of war" being distributed to "poor person"s, the first ever professional army was based on that exact fact. look it up then get back to me.


Active Member
Up in Heaven, Alexander the Great, Frederick the Great and Napoleon are looking down on events in Iraq. Alexander says, "Wow, if I had just one of Bush's armored divisions, I would definitely have conquered India." Frederick the Great states, "Surely if I only had a few squadrons of Bush's air force I would have won the Seven Years War decisively in a matter of weeks." There is a long pause as three continue to watch events. Then Napoleon speaks, "And if I only had that Fox News, no one would have ever known that I lost the Russia campaign."
and you think that you can quote a knock knock joke and think i'll accept that as a factual argument? while it was funny, you didn't mention the REST of the media that ALSO has a stake in being partial. you can blame one station for being partial but if you don't lay the blame on the rest of the stations out there, you just sound like a jackass.


New Member
facts, my friend, come with verifiable data. what you two have been presenting are opinions, nothing more. if what you two have are facts, please show the data.
Buzz killington over here!

booo! get off the stage!

*throws fruit*

what is "un-needed" labor? are those the "un-needed" jobs we don't have here?
plenty son, plenty of un-needed jobs. Thats why there are so few needed jobs. Duhhhh:blsmoke: