So when do the pistals recede?


Bag seed, 9 weeks in....

95% pistals are red
>1% trics are brown
all fan leaves have yellowed w/ 20% fallen or shriveled to brown
All the buds have foxtailed with new's the only new growth
I don't see any sign of the pistals receeding....even on the buds that are 100% red.
The small leaves on the buds are just starting to turn yellow...

Should I wait for the receeding pistals or do I take her now? Do the pistols recede on all verities or just on some? Do I let the small bud leaves yellow or do I take her while they are still green?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I don't know what you mean by the pistils receding but from the way you described the trichomes and the coloring of the pistils, it's time to harvest. It's almost too late to harvest to be truthful. Someone gave you some bad info.


I've been letting them go on purpose. I don't think it's at it's prime yet as I have very little amber and still some clear. It's hard to describe but I see alot of trics with milky bottoms and clear on the very top. I also have some clear but amber colored ones. I've been told that as the seed pods swell the pistils shoud receed into the pod. Not true?


Well-Known Member
Pistils should receed back into the bud and the calyax's will swell. Some plants swell more than others but if you let them go longer enough you will be in for a nice surprise. If you have clear tric's that indicates not ready yet.

If its leaning towards the satvia side of things, then could be looking at another couple of weeks min.


Pistels go from white to bronze to curly bronze, meaning they don't really recede or get shorter. They just curl back. They curl back when it's ripe and are usually attched to swollen bud of goodness. I'd say 4 more weeks just to be sure