so when can I start takin weed out of my plant?


New Member
"so when can I start takin weed out of my plant?"

Anytime you want ... the plant IS a weed.



Well-Known Member i'm sorry thats just all i can say not to be rude to some of the people who asks questions without doing some homework.


New Member
Ok since all the other nutfuckers are rude.
Let you plant mature untill the trikes are amber or if you dont know how to look at them or have an inabillity to do so just wait till 70% of the hairs are red.

All this person did was ask a question you people are the fucking most rude people I have ever seen on a forum. Maybe he/she doesn't wanna read your shit and wants some first hand knowlege from a real person instead of some fucking site telling you what to do.


Well-Known Member
the fact is to get a single nugget your gonna have to educate yourself in the process. wont take more than half an hour of research.. its not as easy as when can i get weed. do a little readin kid.


Well-Known Member
I agree, it would be fine if he asked something like how long does it take to harvest but the way he asked it, it made it sound like he expects the weed to fall off the plant into his hands.

One Love

Active Member
You can start at any time, but why would you? Must be out of stash huh?

You can smoke the leaves at anytime, but why? Yuck!
you can pick and dry bud at anytime. But Why? You'll only want more, then you'll be all out before the plant is finished.
60-70% Red hair is better!

In other words........WAIT, you'll be happy you did!