So what's it really like?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I was just wondering what reality is like in those states that let you have mmj. I mean, if you were a cardholder, would you still be able to live like a normal person? Could people discriminate against you b/c you choose to self medicate? (i.e. job interviews, being in public). If you were sitting at work all day doing your 9-5, could you go out back and have a toke, come back in and meet the public? How does the public respond in legal states? Do people give you the respect you deserve to have it legal or do they just think you are some scumbag who found a loophole into getting smoke? Anyway, I was just curious. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Hey all, I was just wondering what reality is like in those states that let you have mmj. I mean, if you were a cardholder, would you still be able to live like a normal person? Could people discriminate against you b/c you choose to self medicate? (i.e. job interviews, being in public). If you were sitting at work all day doing your 9-5, could you go out back and have a toke, come back in and meet the public? How does the public respond in legal states? Do people give you the respect you deserve to have it legal or do they just think you are some scumbag who found a loophole into getting smoke? Anyway, I was just curious. :bigjoint:
It is not okay to toke in public. Even with an MMj card it is not okay to toke up wherever you please.:leaf:


Active Member
being a medical marijuana patient in OC dont mean shit unless you go to the county health department and get your state issued card
What makes you think that? I've had confrontations with the man and he was like "As long as you have your recommendation, I'm [the cop] not worried about your marijuana or your pipe" and thats coming from a Yorba Linda cop, where medical marijuana dispensaries are banned, just like most the other cities in OC. Sure, the state issued card will help you out 1000000000000 times more in any legal situation, but the minute a cop gives me a ticket is the minute i start fighting it. Lets face Id card vs a piece of paper....who is going to be more legit...


Active Member
Hey all, I was just wondering what reality is like in those states that let you have mmj. I mean, if you were a cardholder, would you still be able to live like a normal person? Could people discriminate against you b/c you choose to self medicate? (i.e. job interviews, being in public). If you were sitting at work all day doing your 9-5, could you go out back and have a toke, come back in and meet the public? How does the public respond in legal states? Do people give you the respect you deserve to have it legal or do they just think you are some scumbag who found a loophole into getting smoke?
I still work my normal 9-5. I'm outside sales, so it makes it easier if I do need to toke. But I tend to not smoke and work. But it is against company policy, despite it being legal medicine for me. So I'm sure they would terminate me if they knew. So I just keep it under wraps when dealing with work.

And here in Colorado, most people are very supportive of it. At least in my experience. Even friends that are non-pot-smokers seem to be more cool with the idea that I can grow and smoke, since it is legal for me. It seems more people are just turned off by it being illegal than it being a harmful substance.

And hell yeah, my good friends are completely jealous of my card. It's legal and I can always find some dank buds.


Active Member
I am 19 and i have had my Cannabis card since February of last year, and it actually expired yesterday. But I will be renewing it for sure. I reside in the gorgeous state of Cali down by a beach, and there are many clubs around here to go to. I absolutely love it and will never live another day in this world without one. I love that I can call someone for delivery or drive down the street and have unlimited options to choose from. Or that I'm legally allowed to grow up to 6 plants. My roomate also has one so we both love it. Its also fairly easy to get if you have a reason for one. I have anxiety and get panic attacks and to tell you the truth Cannabis has been the only medication to help both of these. I have been taking Pharms since I was 12 and they have never worked. Cannabis heals all. I think this is my first post so AYYEE. Forum looks real nice around here. SWED & Peace

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
some one who is in chronic pain really don't try to get over on the law just try to get over the pain.....


Well-Known Member
Here in SoCal, MMJ recommendation allows you to go to anyone of about 60-80 dispensaries in LA county.Illegal to smoke while driving, around schools, etc..You can buy clones( $10-15 each), and grow your own. Unfortunately, you can't blaze at work either..I'm a Union construction worker, been out of work 7 weeks, haven't smoked in a week at all, might have to take a piss test for job..I smoke everyday, have been for 20 yrs., not jonesing at all really, but I miss it, I love to smoke..Peace..;-)