So whats everyone do?


Active Member
Just wondering what jobs everyone else holds and can still smoke.

I currently work at a hardware store. Nothing great but it keeps the bills paid and me high!
Running a restaurant, investments of ours and two other people, run my internet company..and caregiver for 2.
But I dont mess with the investments when I am medicated, thats strictly a smoke free afternoon or whenever.


Well-Known Member
I did dispatch for a logistics company, I would smoke on the way and as u learn the job it becomes second nature, even more so when your high! We did mostly automotive expedite, just in time freight.

I still do part time for an income, other then that I grow full time as a caregiver


Well-Known Member
hvac sheetmetal shop(haven't lost a finger yet), comes in handy when I need a fitting or duct for the grow room
I'm a security guard for a art museum, best part is I live in the appartments behinds the museum so whenever I feel it nessisary I go smoke a bowl at my house :)

I get stoned and look at art all day...

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Self employed. I make money off of various business endevors, including investing. Scary thing is i dont have a steady income. O well, its been working for me for quite some time


Well-Known Member
in my experience mexicans on the jobsite are coke hookups. Thats been my experience anyway. I used to give the drug tests (yeah yeah I know, I didn't do it by choice but at least I knew who to talk to) all my illegal mexicans came up dirty for coke.