So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

No. Its the pandemics fault.
Then what you said earlier is bullshit.

You are as bad as Rob.
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You are just being a dick to be a dick at this point.

Shame on you man. Our citizens are dying and having their health destroyed, which you seem aware of but are saying it's on the people working in our hospitals and first responders (who are also getting sick helping people who bought into Dear Leader's propaganda).

In all reality, no one. This shit happens. This is not the first and wont be the last pandemic.
So lets be smarter about it and not give cover for people who are acting like Domestic terrorists to the people trying to survive this pandemic without debilitating effects because Trump wanted his rallies.

In all reality, no one. This shit happens. This is not the first and wont be the last pandemic.
Trump mishandled worse than any other leader. Stop drinking the Koolaid for just one day. Your eyes will open. It’s magical.

In all reality, no one. This shit happens. This is not the first and wont be the last pandemic.
Bullshit, Trump fucked it up badly and turned a serious problem into a catastrophe of malicious mismanagement, 14 million cases hundreds of thousands dead and even more maimed. He tried to kill you and your family but you're to stupid and racist to see it, you're a sucker and loser and Trump thinks so too. Racism is jerking your chain so badly it took your head off.
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I never said its on them.....
Did I misread this?

How is that not you saying it is on the medical professionals being in harms way because of idiots thinking dumbshit like this is just another cold?

I was referring to the people out there being DUMBASSES. Its on them.

How the fuck you interpreted that to mean its on the first responders i dont know.
Because it is literally the first sentence you said after my question about the medical professionals.
Did I misread this?

How is that not you saying it is on the medical professionals being in harms way because of idiots thinking dumbshit like this is just another cold?

Because it is literally the first sentence you said after my question about the medical professionals.
I was responding to the "but not being as safe as you are" portion of your comment. Its on them for not being safe. It is on those idiots. It sucks for the medical professionals, but life isnt fair.
Trump mishandled worse than any other leader.
Bullshit. America cant be compared to any other part of the world. We have, by far, the most travel of any country. Other countries are able to easily isolate and control. America accounts for 25% of the worlds economy. The number of Americans who basically travel for a living dwarfs that of any other country. Travel is how pandemics spread. American is #1 for travel by a long shot. You can not compare America to any other country.