So..What would you do if it happened to you?

So Today marks my Flowering week 7, but over the last couple days I have been noticing bananas on my train Wreck. I have 7 other White Widow plants and they are all starting to finish. I am almost positive the Wreck has seeded itself in spots.(the ovaries are swelling up and the hairs are going brown) Since the damage is done what would be best? to just pull the wreck at 7 weeks and finish the widow, or just pull bananas and finish them all out? I do not think my Widow has been pollinated, they still all look normal. Any and all comments would be rad..Thanks


Well-Known Member
yeah, i'd chop em in the next couple days, just to be safe...and start pulling nanners and seeds, if you're gonna try and sell it.
I have heard that some wreck is done in 8-9 weeks, others can go up to 14.. its week 7 right now and is very sugared up.


Well-Known Member
Maybe my opinion varies. Move the seeded plant to a separate low power light and harvest the seeds for later!!!! Seedbay the fuckers! :)


Well-Known Member
you would more than likely get hermie offspring.
This I believe to be a myth and not factual. I've plucked about 300 seeds from a hermie in the past, tossed about a third of them that looked weak. I gave them to a friend who has a 5000sqft grow operation, 80% germination rate and no reported additional hermies. I think he still has about 50 of the seeds left, I'll have to ask him.

If you have a bunch of hermies, you probably have bad genetics or bad growing (usually the latter of the two). If you have just one, that's going to happen from time to time.

Seeds from a hermi will give rise to hermaphrodite-prone females of approximately equivalent quality to the parent. You know that force-hermed mothers are the source of commercial feminized seeds?

So as long as your genetics are good to begin with, you'll be fine. I wouldnt do this with a bag seed, just some good named strain that has a good reputation for being stable instead of a mutant.......

Good luck!