So what were Quaaludes like?


Well-Known Member
I was addicted to the shit for a few years, pretty nasty on the stomach, probably why I have GERD today.
Here we don't drink em, you crush one and smoke like halfs to 3rds on top of a pile of weed in a bowl, you just stir it in a little...

It is still the ultimate rush I have experienced... Very cool to have music blasting while doing that, you kind of fade out and back again over a few seconds, but like at full tilt... very pleasurable... then the rush is over and you are just tired/druged. We used to use it as a downer after crack too... can't believe I became so boring in my midlife... and that I survived doing all that crap.

Just posting for information sake... but from an ex addict, please don't try it...


Active Member
I remember my step-dad taking them and the part that stood out most to me was, he used to be a REAL prick when he was coming down off 'em. I also recall him calling them Reds, are these the same thing?


Well-Known Member
I'm almost 100 percent positive Quaaludes are still manufactured today in clandestine labs. I few years back there was a bounty of Lemmon 714 pills around. The first batch I had some from were fucking great if you like tranquilizers. But in hindsight i think the makers just threw a shitload of benzos in it. But it was different. alot more of a drunker feeling
As time went on we got a few more batches and they were shit. It felt like you had taken a cold medicine, and very weak.
But i'm pretty sure they are still prescribed in some countries by perscription also manufactured under a different name.. I'm sure you can find more info about maybe getting your hands on some by googleing methaqualone.. and finding a good reliable overseas pharmacy


Well-Known Member
i have always wondered this too, always hear about them in "back in the day stories" and i always wondered what they were like too


Well-Known Member
Lol, they just end up in South Africa where it is sold as mandrax, until recently we were the luud capital of the world ( I almost wanna say, in my days). But crack I think is now the main drug of abuse. Although in my estimate it is just based on consumption.. i.e. people will smoke alot of crack and then smoke one "button" to level out or be able to go to sleep.


Well-Known Member
I've always been terribly curious...anyone ever have them?Like,back when you could actually get them?
the people i knew said it was like the feeling when you start gettin put out for surgey. i missed them by a few years. i knew people who clamed to have them but never produced any to buy.wish i would have been born 10 years earler. thou the pot of the 70's was good.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, gorilla biscuits, lol!! That's what we used to call 'em, back when you could actually get the real pharmaceutical grade Lemmon 714's. After 1984 they were completely removed from the market and made a Class 1 drug in the U.S., but they had effectively disappeared from the street by the late 70's. Too bad, I loved the hell out of them!!! They were a sedative/barb whose effect was actually quite a bit like being drunk, but without the sloppiness/puking/hangover afterwards, etc. And they tended to make girls horny as hell --- or at least they made them lose their normal inhibitions :)
I guess the closest thing I can think of currently available would be something like Xanax or Valium, but neither of those is really quite the same either. It's hard to describe taking 714's.

I used to work at a bar as a barback when I was 17. There was this REALLY hot bartender who also happened to deal in 'Ludes. I know she got me to drive her around one night going from bar to bar selling them. At each bar we would go in, she would order me a Jack and Coke (legal drinking age was either 18 or 19 at that time, I don't remember which) and hand me a 'lude under the bar. In a bit she would come back and we would leave and go to the next bar and repeat the process. At some point I blacked out but kept on going for apparently most of the night. I woke up about 7:30 the next morning naked in bed with this chick (she was like 24 at the time) with a REALLY sore dick, lol. I got up to leave as quietly as possible and realized that HER HUSBAND was passed out on the couch in the other room!!! Talk about awkward!!!! I made a safe escape, but couldn't walk right for several days, lol. I also discovered later that I had about 20 'ludes in my pocket, so I have no idea how many bars we hit that night! The funny part is, I still run into her from time to time (we still live in the same town). She left her previous husband and ended up marrying another dude I worked with at the bar. Her husband never found out anything (I later found out she had slipped him some stuff so he pretty much slept for like 36 hours straight!!!). She thought the whole thing was funny as hell, and still jokes about it! Those Lemmon 714's I ended up with in my pocket that night were the last REAL ones I ever saw because the Doc who was supplying her got busted. Anything I have encountered after that was fake (usually just crushed/pressed Benny's, but it isn't hard to spot fakes once you've seen the real deal!).
I guess there might be a lab somewhere in another country making them, but I've never heard of it if they are. It's probably a good thing. Blackouts were quite common on 'ludes. The problem was, you would keep right on going, sans inhibitions, and not remember jack shit the next day!! I have several friends that totaled their cars while on 'ludes and didn't remember a single thing about it!!!!


Well-Known Member
Lol, they just end up in South Africa where it is sold as mandrax, until recently we were the luud capital of the world ( I almost wanna say, in my days). But crack I think is now the main drug of abuse. Although in my estimate it is just based on consumption.. i.e. people will smoke alot of crack and then smoke one "button" to level out or be able to go to sleep.
LOL, we used to eat the hell out of them, But until reading this thread I've never heard of someone SMOKING them!!!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I woulnd't even think of eating one... if I were to do it again....
It is an instant rush, with no other substance I can think of that comes close to how good it feels. Which is why its bad... its very addictive when smoked.